pResident Plugs is going to reopen the ACA exchanges – IOTW Report

pResident Plugs is going to reopen the ACA exchanges

The Commander-N-Cheat will also be creating an option for those in states where Medicaid was not expanded. This will create a viable health insurance option for millions who live in states where Medicaid was not expanded. That’s a good thing for as long as it lasts.

Plugs’ excuse for “reopening the exchanges” is disingenuous because anyone who loses health insurance through their employer already qualifies for a 60 day Special Enrollment period so there is no need to ‘reopen the exchanges’ for them. These pesky facts or course do not matter to those who pull his puppet strings and this action will not be question by his compliant cretins in the media. -C. Steven Tucker


8 Comments on pResident Plugs is going to reopen the ACA exchanges

  1. lolol And then the state will tell you, “yeah, we don’t have the money for that.” Just like what happened in NV. 0bama never gave them the money, the website didn’t work (not a bug) and nobody got to see any of the ‘plans’.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane, though.

  2. Oh, FFS! I am still paying off the IRS monthly for my crime of having my plan cancelled and being unable to afford the plan offered on the ‘exchange.’

    Where do I exchange this so-called president? I’d like my money back.


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