President Puts America First – IOTW Report

President Puts America First

Conservative Treehouse

When fifteen world leaders were all given the opportunity to sign the united D-Day Proclamation all the leaders put their names on the bottom of the document… Not Trump.

President Trump boldly penned his signature on the top of the proclamation.  According to reports (likely tongue-in-cheek) his reasoning was simple: ‘America Is The Reason The Rest Of You Aren’t Speaking German Right Now’... More

24 Comments on President Puts America First

  1. Looking at the document I have to ask. Was he the last to sign it? Isn’t any room at the bottom to sign there. Now if he signed it before the bottom got filled up, then at reported. Any one have the recording of him repeating the oft used quote?

    You have to remember “as reported” sometimes doesn’t give you the story…

  2. @Anymouse – If he was the last to sign, I could see him using his black Sharpie and signing his name in 2″ letters across all the other signatures at the bottom. That might have been an even better message.

  3. It would be nice if antifa and the communists signed something like that statement, but then again it still wouldn’t be worth anything since they have no honor.

  4. John Hancock would be proud…make big enough for the NWO rats to see…the American Nationalists and religious ‘right’ are the new world order and the only thing that stands in their evil way.

  5. Half a century of “United States'” occupation. And Europe sucks? Because “Our commies are better’n their commies!”. And the Federal Reserve’s poster boy, tells Deutsche Bundesbank’s NPCs, that they’re not “speaking German right now.” Can I get a MAGA™ cheer!? I knew you could.

  6. @Anymouse – that did cross my mind as well.

    @Uncle Al – I am sure BFH is working away on your idea right now…remove the upper smaller sig and put the 2″ one across the socialists and globalists.

    His signature is quite striking, I am sure that is next on the list for the lefts’ protological like analyzing testing of this man.

    Their scope continues to see NOTHING. A clean bill of health. Clean living!



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