President Smidgen Brags Again – IOTW Report

President Smidgen Brags Again

On Wednesday, former President Obama doubled down on his claim of having a scandal-free administration by proclaiming his had fewer than any other modern presidency. More

20 Comments on President Smidgen Brags Again

  1. In order for a government misdeed or corruption to become a scandal the press has to report it.

    No reportage? No scandal.
    Easy Peasy.

    He didn’t say he had a corruption free administration.
    That would be a lie and we all know Saint Barack never lies.

  2. The Dems have spent months agonizingly analyzing their data points to plan the resistence stratagy. All that data is trending the wrong way. Rut Row.

  3. Inasmuch as the MSDM was in the tank during the eight years when President Osmidgen was attempting to fundamentally transform the United States, it was easy to make this claim. However, as the Great Unraveling gains speed and the truth is revealed, this claim will be about as believable as the one about a video causing the Benghazi attack by Islamic terrorist. Operation Hurricane Trump is going to consume most of what’s left of this liar’s reputation.

  4. Watch the Liars continue to signal they have scentless Farts and do no Evil.
    I’ts all a setup to make it extra shocking, as in “I just saw Obamas show and He’s as honest as ever!” those Republicans are lying or setting Obama up.

  5. The Democrats and Media have been reduced to making fools of themselves on TV arguing against any kind of Peace talks whatsoever.

    Perfect Optics. Priceless. They are exposed in a worldwide Light, again.

    Don’t stop them now.
    Resist, They Much

  6. Of course in a politically correct society one would never admit that the least qualified, foreign born, gay homosexual (who uses body waste products as an aphrodisiac) and is married to a transgendered (or cross dressing?) man named michael, would ever be labelled as having a scandalous act attributed to himself, especially not with people like Hilarity Clinton or the Weiner exposer, hisself.

    The very fact that such a person wasn’t forced to use his real name (soetero) and run on his real record (of deceit, corruption, drug use, and disgusting personal sexual behavior) speaks to the insanity of our times.

    It’s actually downright lol funny if it weren’t our country and what issues we now have to deal with because of him.

  7. His mental faculties were never that great in first place. He is now functioning at about these grade level. Everything he now says it is true, because he can’t remember enough to prove it false.

  8. @ Anon – the real one or not?

    Disagree. I thought about this as well. Not all future or current historians are or will be revisionists.



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