President Trump and First Lady Melania Attend Imperial Palace State Dinner – IOTW Report

President Trump and First Lady Melania Attend Imperial Palace State Dinner

CTH: President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump become the first guests of Japanese Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako at the Imperial Palace.

The formal state dinner is the first of the era of Reiwa and intended to highlight an even stronger bond and alliance between the United States and Japan.  The formal dinner included toasts from each nation and the Imperial Household Orchestra playing the ceremonial anthems of both nations.

The dinner menu: •First Course – Consommé a la Royale, •Second Course – Turbot a la Meunière Sauce Tomate, •Third Course – Cote de Boeuf Rotie, •Fourth Course – Salade de Saison, •Fifth Course – Glace Mont Fuji, •Sixth Course – Dessert of melon and grapes.  MORE

SNIP:  Here’s a fun photo:

More of that HERE


6 Comments on President Trump and First Lady Melania Attend Imperial Palace State Dinner

  1. I saw a picture today of when Michelle Obama met the Emperor and Empress: she was trying to bow, curtsy and shake the Emperor’s hand ALL AT THE SAME TIME!! It was a hot mess! And the poor Emperor! He looked like he wanted the ground to open up and swallow all of them.


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