President Trump CBS Interview: “I Love Your Show… I Call it Deface the Nation” (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

President Trump CBS Interview: “I Love Your Show… I Call it Deface the Nation” (VIDEO)

President Trump CBS Interview: “I Love Your Show… I Call it Deface the Nation” (VIDEO)

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20 Comments on President Trump CBS Interview: “I Love Your Show… I Call it Deface the Nation” (VIDEO)

  1. I would have also accepted: Replace the Nation, Embarrass The Nation, and Disgrace The nation. Just to name a few. I’m sure others could come up with a few more.

  2. Disgrace the Nation also works, these media buffoons just don’t get it. Pres. Trump will shovel crap right back in their faces during the show. Pompus imbecilles.

  3. Could be a future book title for Trump after his 8 year run. I gave the media a “Facelift” and they went from being “ugly to Fugly.”
    After he leaves the white house, the media may offer Trump Billions to NOT make any post white house speeches and to NOT write any post white house books.

  4. How I just love President Trump: Hey you elitist on “Deface the Nation” don’t piss on us and tell us it’s just raining. We’re wise to your sorry asses. MAGA.

  5. @ Cato: Ryan would have to be hanging over a pod of very hungry crocs with the public fraying the rope before he’d even begin to think of supporting the Trump agenda.

    Damn! I like that image!

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