President Trump Delivers Remarks After Touring Ford Component Plant – Michigan – IOTW Report

President Trump Delivers Remarks After Touring Ford Component Plant – Michigan

Conservative Treehouse: Promoting an economic reopening, President Trump travels to Michigan today and tours the Ford Rawsonville Components Plant in Ypsilanti. The president is expected to deliver remarks to the workers and audience at 3:20pm ET. WATCH

3 Comments on President Trump Delivers Remarks After Touring Ford Component Plant – Michigan

  1. hey! I just saw him speaking & he’s not wearing a mask!

    why doesn’t Commissar WHitler get the state cops to arrest him for this sort of behavior???

    …. oh, the humanity!

  2. why doesn’t Commissar WHitler get the state cops to arrest him for this sort of behavior???>>

    State cops would have lead poisoning if they tried it and they know it.


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