President Trump Famously Calls Don Lemon “The Dumbest Man On Television” – Trump is Always Right – IOTW Report

President Trump Famously Calls Don Lemon “The Dumbest Man On Television” – Trump is Always Right

My lord, this man is a simp. And Fredo, with his “I’m concentrating on holding in a fart” stare, probably didn’t correct him.

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16 Comments on President Trump Famously Calls Don Lemon “The Dumbest Man On Television” – Trump is Always Right

  1. He’s probably one of those cretins who thinks “disrespect” can only be used as a verb.

    And whatever happened with that case where he rubbed his taint and made some poor guy sniff his fingers?

  2. Overheard at an imaginary (but realistic) press conference-

    Don: “What would you say to those Trump supporters who prioritize the economy over his bigotry?”

    Press Secretary: “What would YOU say to CNN supporters who prioritize fake news over your love of sucking horse cock?”

    Don: “I wouldn’t say anything…. My mouth would be full”

  3. “… Don Lemon, the dumbest man on television …”

    President Trump – always making the tough calls.

    I’d have a really hard time coming to that conclusion – so many fuckin morons to choose from.

    izlamo delenda est …


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