President Trump Has a Change of Heart On National Popular Vote Movement – IOTW Report

President Trump Has a Change of Heart On National Popular Vote Movement

After Trump won the presidency, he said on 60 Minutes that he’d favor doing away with the Electoral College, a statement that worried me early on.

He’s since realized how wrong he was to say such a thing in a Republic.

Daily Signal-

“I would rather see it where you went with simple votes,” Trump said in a “60 Minutes” interview on CBS after he won the election. “You know, you get 100 million votes, and somebody else gets 90 million votes, and you win. There’s a reason for doing this, because it brings all states into play.”

Trump on ‘Brilliance’ of Electoral College

Trump last week said on Twitter that he had a change of heart.

Campaigning for the Popular Vote is much easier & different than campaigning for the Electoral College. It’s like training for the 100 yard dash vs. a marathon. The brilliance of the Electoral College is that you must go to many States to win. With the Popular Vote, you go to….

Trump added:

….just the large States – the Cities would end up running the Country. Smaller States & the entire Midwest would end up losing all power – & we can’t let that happen. I used to like the idea of the Popular Vote, but now realize the Electoral College is far better for the U.S.A.

The Democrats are getting very “strange.” They now want to change the voting age to 16, abolish the Electoral College, and Increase significantly the number of Supreme Court Justices. Actually, you’ve got to win it at the Ballot Box!
To read about who is funding this movement, and how the claim that it’s a ‘bipartisan movement’ is a complete farce, GO HERE
ht/ fdr in hell


9 Comments on President Trump Has a Change of Heart On National Popular Vote Movement

  1. When I first read about the NPV, maybe 10 years ago, at first glance it does seem logical. It takes some discussion and understanding to see why the electoral vote is so powerful and necessary. So I do appreciate those who question it, as long as they do with an open mind.
    Of course leftists only care about one thing.

  2. Trump has “evolved” on several issues. The once NY liberal who gave lavishly to all Democratic causes in the past when he needed some back scratching of his own, supported gun control and single payer healthcare. But like the Prodical Son who once was lost but now came home, we revel in his new found common sense and cheer his conservative bonafides.

  3. Anyone know how often Obama (or bush or Clinton) admitted they were wrong and changed their position?

    I’m always worried by people who never admit they were wrong about anything as time goes by and they learn more.

  4. Past presidential candidates with a public record of support, before November 2016, for the National Popular Vote bill that would guarantee the majority of Electoral College votes and the presidency to the candidate with the most national popular votes: Bob Barr (Libertarian- GA), U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R–GA), Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO), and Senator Fred Thompson (R–TN).

    Newt Gingrich summarized his support for the National Popular Vote bill by saying: “No one should become president of the United States without speaking to the needs and hopes of Americans in all 50 states. … America would be better served with a presidential election process that treated citizens across the country equally. The National Popular Vote bill accomplishes this in a manner consistent with the Constitution and with our fundamental democratic principles.”

    Eight former national chairs of the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) have endorsed the bill

    In 2017, Saul Anuzis and Michael Steele, the former chairmen of the Michigan and national Republican parties, wrote that the National Popular Vote bill was “an idea whose time has come”.

    On March 7, 2019, the Delaware Senate passed the National Popular Vote bill in a bi-partisan 14-7 vote

    In 2018, the National Popular Vote bill in the Michigan Senate was sponsored by a bipartisan group of 25 of the 38 Michigan senators, including 15 Republicans and 10 Democrats.

    The bill was approved in 2016 by a unanimous bipartisan House committee vote in both Georgia (16 electoral votes) and Missouri (10).

    In 2016 the Arizona House of Representatives passed the bill 40-16-4.
    Two-thirds of the Republicans and two-thirds of the Democrats in the Arizona House of Representatives sponsored the bill.
    In January 2016, two-thirds of the Arizona Senate sponsored the bill.

    In 2014, the Oklahoma Senate passed the bill by a 28–18 margin.

    In 2009, the Arkansas House of Representatives passed the bill

  5. I applaud the president’s change of mind. However, if I had mentioned his previous opinion and my opposition to it on this web site, I would have been accused of being a Never Trumper!

  6. It’s still troubling Trump ever thought the other way round.

    The NPV would expand and exceed the damage done to the country by the 17th Amendment. Allowing the tyranny of a majority over a minority population.

    For example Liberal city dwellers out number the more conservative rural and small town residents and it is they who, by popular vote, keep jerks like Chuck Shumer in office.

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