President Trump hints he may use Defense budget to build the border wall now – IOTW Report

President Trump hints he may use Defense budget to build the border wall now

American Thinker: President Trump tweeted something very suggestive this morning, indicating that he may use the powers of the executive to work around the $1.3 trillion abomination’s limitations on the border wall:

Because of the $700 & $716 Billion Dollars gotten to rebuild our Military, many jobs are created and our Military is again rich. Building a great Border Wall, with drugs (poison) and enemy combatants pouring into our Country, is all about National Defense. Build WALL through M!

“Build WALL through M” sounds like a plan that John Salisbury outlined in a Twitter thread yesterday.  Rather than embed each tweet, I will post their contents below. Readers who want to reference an individual tweet may visit the link above to review the entire thread.

1) Let’s talk about what the President can and can’t do for this Omnibus Bill. There’s a lot of discussion both ways so let’s examine how money gets allocated & spent in the US Government:

1. Congress allocates money to be spent. The President spends the allocated money.

2. Once Congress allocates money, their job is oversight of the money being spent. They don’t spend the money and have no say HOW it gets spent as long as it’s spent legally. That’s their job to monitor with oversight.

3. Once the President is given the money with the instructions to spend it, he has a number of choices to make in spending it. There are some rules he has to follow & some of the money is fungible and some isn’t.

4. However there are some other factors that are in play here. One of them is that the President has declared a Human Rights Emergency AND has notified Congress that he’s invoking the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985. 5. This opens up new options.

6. By making these two declarations President Trump has just communicated that he has the authority to NOT spend any funds he doesn’t deem necessary and will return them to the US Treasury. So, funds for Planned Parenthood? He can simply not allocate the funds.  MORE HERE

ht/ czar of defenestration

22 Comments on President Trump hints he may use Defense budget to build the border wall now

  1. So he’s a good guy again? Can we call him our President once again. Are all the Cruzbots retreating back to their bunkers with their little Dash Board Cruz’s? This is the third time I can think of his “Base” has turned on him before everything is out in the open. And quite honestly this one will take a while to see exactly what the ramifications are. Ann Coulter, James Woods, Matt Bracken, jumped right to impeachment. I don’t need to be taking advice from ass holes that jump that fast that far.

  2. Nobody knows exactly how this will play out yet. Trumps always a man with a plan and seldom gets caught flat footed. Either way, Ryan and Turtle Boy tried to screw him. They need to go.

  3. I admit, I was pissed as hell at the Omnibus Bill, not so much that I bailed on Trump, but I was plenty pissed! A couple days have passed, I’ve done some reading on this and while I’m disgusted with Congress I see this as being more good than bad, especially if Trump uses his discretion to withhold ten of millions of dollars of pork in this. Build the wall! KAG!!

  4. Well, seeing as it isn’t a “budget” but an “omnibus spending bill” he can use the dough any way he chooses.

    Give a couple of $billion to Jarrett, Emanuel, Axelrod, Soros … oh wait … that was that phony usurper guy … not President Trump.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. The constant last minute spending bills to keep the Government open were KILLING military readiness. That is why he signed it.
    Chuck and Nancy are smiling because of all the nice rope the President is giving them.
    The President has not only exposed the left as craven in their abandonment of Dreamers but has just won the Hispanic vote.
    He has also exposed the top GOP as card carrying Swamp Creatures so they can be primary voted out.
    This makes Spock’s game look a tad pedestrian

  6. @joe6pack – I felt the same way, pissed but a good friend said remember Trump always has something up his sleeve. If he does this, he’s outmanueuvered not only the press and Democrats for the umpteenth time, but also those traitors Ryan and McConnell.

  7. People are acting like this is the last Budget / Omnicrap bill Trump will ever sign! By signing this version, he took the biggest hostage out of the room. The Democrats now have less leverage for the next fight since the Military is now funded. He is actually in a better position for the next battle.

    Patience, our political process is complex and currently corrupt. It will take long term strategy and a few setbacks. So far I see no indication that Trump is not sincere in pursuing his agenda.

  8. Make Book! EVERY time… he invites the swamp rats into a nice, comfy game of checkers-as-usual and after they make their predictable move, he whips out the 3-D chessboard!

    My instinct is to TRUST our Very Stable Genius. And I like the odds!

  9. Speaking of Trump, and tonight some porn star’s continuing 15 minutes of fame, wouldn’t it be great of one of the rumored Hilary tapes was also released tonight?

  10. “He is so cunning that even his base can’t keep up with his tactics”

    Truer words. But after three times let’s try and catch a clue. We’re not dealing with your run of the mill “good optics” politician here.

  11. On a related note I saw this on Facebook today:

    “Christians have been warning about the antiChrist for 2000 years.
    So when he finally shows up, they vote for him.”

    I wanted to comment: And after 8 years of hell thank God we finally got Trump to replace him!

  12. It may be that no one will believe it, but I sent a message thru someone close to Trump to use the Army Corps of Engineers to build the wall. I assume he’d already thought of it, but I sent it anyway. The Army Corps have had their mission statement rewritten to all this crap about protecting the environment…. but what has been rewritten can be rewritten again. What makes more sense for them, protecting Us, or Gaia?

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