President Donald Trump, who was sworn into office on Monday for his second term, is requiring all federal workers to return to the office full-time.
His executive order directs federal agencies to order their employees to come back to work in-person after working remotely, NPR reported on Monday.
The presidential action titled “Return to In-Person Work” on the White House website reads: more here
And whittle down the size of government motor pools.
These people get good pay and benefits. They can provide their own transportation costs to and from work like the majority of Americans.
Would save a lot of money.
He SHOULD tell most of them to stay home, unpaid, with no benefits or pension, forever.
Starting with the FBLie and moving on from there…
Fire the whole frigging lot!!!
If / when they return to work it will take them a week to remove all the spider webs and vacuum up all the dust bunnies from these offices and cubicles that have been vacant for so long.
They’ll just go from pretending to work at home
to pretending to work at the office.
Many will refuse and when they do they should and can be considered to have resigned (not been fired) from their positions. No unemployment benefits. YOU quit!
You’ll be amazed how many actually show up. It’s another “move to Canada” thing.
There is a time and place for remote work. If I needed some uninterrupted time for a large project, I would work at home. If there was a meeting that required travel and wasn’t that important, Zoom was sometimes a preferred option. But these were the exceptions and not the rule.
We found that electronic communication and remote work could not replace or replicate the collegiality of the office. People don’t realize the non-verbal cues you get and use when actually interfacing with another human being – text, email and even Zoom cannot replace that. Humans are social animals, and we just seem to function better in settings with other people.
what do you dindu-mofos do to get my $$$?
Remote work is absolutely do-able but few realize that it takes more effort than gathering in an office. The manager and staff have to develop habits and procedures to take the place of what’s lost when you no longer have face-to-face interactions.
And then there’s the insoluble problem of what to do with a supervisor who doesn’t know how to supervise when he can’t smell the fear of his staff.
Uncle Al: these supervisors need to use all caps and a lot of exclamation marks in their electronic messages to remote workers. It may not instill the same type of fear, but it is usually good for a laugh.
I wonder how many will quit/resign rather than come back to work in the office?
Not enough will quit.
Many will cry/beg/whine/holler. They’ve known entitlement too long.
I’ve never worked a job in my lifetime that could be done from home. I liked it like that.