President Trump mulls designating Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations – IOTW Report

President Trump mulls designating Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations

DC: President Donald Trump is mulling designating Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, he told Breitbart News in a Monday Oval Office interview.

“We’re thinking about doing it very seriously. In fact, we’ve been thinking about it for a long time,” Trump said when asked if he was considering the move. “As terrorists — as terrorist organizations, the answer is yes. They are.”

Trump lamented the inability of the Mexican government to control the violence, saying “they’ve totally lost control of the cartels. Mexico last year had 42,000 deaths — murders — 42,000. It’s considered one of the most unsafe countries in the world.”

GOP lawmakers Mark Green and Chip Roy proposed in February 2019 to designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations, enabling the U.S. Treasury Department to sanction their assets aggressively.  more here

18 Comments on President Trump mulls designating Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations

  1. He thought about signing an executive order to end birthright citizenship too, still waiting on that one. Time to stop thinking and start being bold, that’s what we voted for.

  2. The number of lives that are forever damaged from drug abuse is huge. People who are unable to get off and stay off them, even with help is staggering. The families that are crushed and hurt by people selling and providing dangerous addictive drugs need a actual effective answer to the on going problem. Taking the gloves off and putting teeth into stopping the problem is long over due. Band aide hand slapping has not worked. I have friends who’s kids are in and out of the revolving door drug rehab programs. President Trump sounds like he wants to make an attempt to stop the problem in its tracks. I have no problem with his idea. The lameo left will no doubt make a stink, so what else would anyone expect of fools that only want him damaged. For them American lives only mean zip.

  3. Ann,

    27.53092 N, -99.50223 E; 31.75916 N, 1106.48749 E; 31.71428 N, -110.06833 E; 31.33783 N, -110.94006 E; 32.715 N, -117.1625 E…more or less (it is government work, after all).

  4. Don’t do it Mr. President. Just build the damned wall like you promised and force the US companies there to move back to the US and end prohibition. It isn’t worth a drop of American blood nor a dime of American treasure to try to rehabilitate the failed state of Mexico. Quarantine it instead.


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