President Trump: No Nationwide Quarantine for Coronavirus – IOTW Report

President Trump: No Nationwide Quarantine for Coronavirus


President Donald Trump reassured Americans on Monday at the White House that he was not considering a nationwide quarantine of Americans.

“At this point, not nationwide,” Trump said, noting that some places in the country were not affected by the virus at all.

The president spoke to reporters in the White House press briefing room on Monday afternoon and responded to questions about whether he was even considering a nationwide lockdown or quarantine.

“We may look at certain areas, certain hotspots, as they call them. We’ll be looking at that,” he said. “At this moment, no, we’re not.

The president praised Americans for socially isolating.

“People are self-containing to a large extent,” Trump said. “We look forward to the day when we can get back to normal.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci said that Americans in states with community transmission of the disease should avoid all restaurants, gyms, bars, food courts, theaters, and any groups for at least the next 15 days. WATCH

9 Comments on President Trump: No Nationwide Quarantine for Coronavirus

  1. Wow. You mean a Republican President didn’t call for an unconstitutional violation of our rights?
    Color me surprised… /sarc

    People can choose to self quarantine or choose not to. This isn’t the black plague.

  2. Quarantine this assholes!!!
    And when your toilet won’t flush or your lights and HVAC won’t come on, or even worse, your back door is hanging in pieces because some lowlife thug kicked it in to raid your jewelry box and your fridge… FIX IT YOURSELF! I’m busy fishing!

  3. It would be so easy to start a bunch of hair-afire rumors right now, wouldn’t it? It’s easy to spot the Progtards, they’re the ones who look to gov’t for EVERYTHING.

    How much you wanna bet someone, somewhere is calling their senator about a law against tp hoarding?

  4. You wouldn’t know it from what I’m seeing where I live. My boss told me I may as well stay home tomorrow. We had 5 customers all day at the business I work selling lawn and pool equipment and repairing/servicing same. He told me this time of year we are usually swamped with people coming in for parts or bringing their equipment in to be repaired or tuned up and prepped for the season. None came in today and only a few came in friday and saturday which we worked on and finished today. We are being forced to cut our pickup and delivery fee in half and the local radio station is going to give us free airtime to advertise such as we’ve always been one of their steady advertising customers. Guess who will be doing all the pickups and deliveries?😜 Can’t find anybody to hire that can handle a 20′ trailer.

  5. I think Some of the Repubs, including Pence, should stop with the masses of more people will be infected. WILL be??? OK seriously. Knock it off. Nobody has a medical crystal ball.
    Tom Cotton needs to put cotton in his mouth. He’s working my nerves.

  6. “This isn’t the black plague.” -chuffed-beyond-words

    But is ita nasty bug? Yes. Do Boomers want to be very careful? Yes. Is it probably a ChiCom BioBazooka? (All precincts have not been counted.) Is it worth falling on one’s sword over? No. Is it worth destroying the economy over. Hell no.

    Okay, Mr. President, now get Powell to bump the interest rates back up – and watch the nation recover from this.

  7. While we’re shutting up Pence and Cotton, could we please shut up the little doctor man. This little man is the one who gives the media most of their talking points and the one all those with their hair on fire quote as why everyone is going to die. Every time I see that man I want to stick his head in the toilet.

  8. Has anyone noticed that the little old ladies greeting customers at WalMart and checking baskets to make sure you aren’t stealing stuff don’t seem too concerned?
    My husband went to WalMart today because he wanted to see for himself how bad things are and he said the little old ladies were smiling and had no fear. The one who greeted him said God was in control and if he decided a Chinese flu was what was taking her home then she was ready to go.

    BTW he said they had toilet paper and paper towels, not fully stocked and just the great value brand, but they had it. He said there was a sign on the door that said they were out of hand sanitizer.


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