President Trump – Once in a Lifetime – IOTW Report

President Trump – Once in a Lifetime

Good job, Mr. parody video maker.

16 Comments on President Trump – Once in a Lifetime

  1. Question from viewer Sandy: “Can you settle the argument that seems to be going on here: viz, is this brilliant piece of art meant to be a) just fun; b) a celebration of Trump’s individual style; or c) a putdown of same?”

    Answer: “Sandy, its a reaction to the surreal situation we are in, for me. It’s whatever you want it to be. That old chestnut”

    Dunno that I’d call it brilliant. Well done, especially as a Rorschach test.

  2. It’s a lot more fun than watching that other guy and his “wife” dance on The Ellen Degeneres Show.

    That other guy was so self-conscious about how he looked while dancing. Our Mr. President just lets it all hang out. Anyone who can sing about chicken wings is alright by me.

  3. I’m old enough to appreciate David burne. I’m glad I lived long enough to appreciate the trumpster. There is life after big ears. Screw commies, kneelers, and pisslam.

  4. Insty posted this today. Made me remember that whether it’s a TU or TD on President Trump, but despite the addition of the “uhhh” used on the soundtrack, it’s probably making David Byrne seethe, and that’s a good thing.

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