President Trump Out Polling Biden…With Democrat Base – IOTW Report

President Trump Out Polling Biden…With Democrat Base


Democratic pollster and political strategist Stan Greenberg said Friday on CNN’s “OutFront” that the Democratic Party’s base voters gave former President Donald Trump higher approval ratings than President Joe Biden.

Guest host John King said, “This is grim. Those are the words of the veteran Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg who teams up with James Carville at the Democracy Corps, found young voters, black voters, hispanic voters, LGBTQ voters, all of them collectively gave Donald Trump a higher approval rating than President Biden.” More

10 Comments on President Trump Out Polling Biden…With Democrat Base

  1. Queue something horrible in 3…2…1…

    And POLLS mean NOTHING if everything about the voting process, vote counting, voter eligibility, etc. is CORRUPT. Just saying. Elections are NOT going to be our way out of this.


    If you watched the Soros propaganda/ Fx 18 years ago when GWB was pushing RomneyCre. Rove/Wallace put out a poll showing 90%of Americans wanted Romney/care. Ron folk were wasting time and $ putting it on the ballot in /ks.2 years later only 25% real Americans said they wanted RomneyCare!

    Polls are done by those with an axe to grind! I don’t watch NN closely so know not what axe is being ground,
    Did watch Soros and knew they were grind GWB’s axe; and being outspoken sad so. Being a lot smarter than “Bush’s Brain” zi was right!

    I did not believe for a minute the Soros pro RomneyCare poll and I do not believe the _. _ president
    Trump poll>
    Remember 2020; don’t relax!

  3. That’s nice, kinda like the miles long car rallies and boat parades filling up entire bays in 2020. Now we’re getting how DJT is getting near record black support along with record latino support. We’re pinning our hopes on our support being so huge that they won’t be able to cheat that much.

    Please nigga. We’re up against algorithms, high speed tabulators and a myriad of other ways they will pump as many fraudulent votes into the count as they need. Trump got more votes than any other candidate in history, so many they to fake counting rooms being shutdown to inject the needed ballots.

    Have you forgotten 2022 so fucking soon? The southern border was wide open then, inflation was killing us, crime was skyrocketing and the likes of Joe Kent lost to a communist in a Republican district in s WA that had gone R the last 6 elections.

    And that’s of course if they even allow an election to happen.


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