President Trump Participates in Law Enforcement Roundtable: “There won’t be defunding. There won’t be dismantling of our police” – IOTW Report

President Trump Participates in Law Enforcement Roundtable: “There won’t be defunding. There won’t be dismantling of our police”

Conservative Treehouse: Earlier this afternoon President Donald Trump participated in a roundtable discussion with state, federal, and local law enforcement officials on police and community relations. Joining President Trump was Vice-president Mike Pence, chief of staff Mark Meadows and Attorney General Bill Barr. more

4 Comments on President Trump Participates in Law Enforcement Roundtable: “There won’t be defunding. There won’t be dismantling of our police”

  1. In the meantime, Cuomo has already been giving “news” reports saying that he is defunding the police. Ellison has been making claims that the right is trying to start a civil war – which means the left is trying to start a civil war. They WANT a complete break down of law and order.

    Also, cleanup needed in isle 3.

  2. The very minute any jurisdiction starts this shit cut off all federal law enforcement dollars coming their way. Then make them ineligible for any federal grants. It is as easy as that.

    When I was active in advocacy for the disabled that is what we did. Letters of non support for any grant the jurisdiction applied for. Boom. Done. They got religion real fast.

    Jurisdictions were twenty times as likely to discriminate than any private enterprise. And I have the data archived if one of them wants to open their big fat pie hole and question that.

  3. Let me also say that far leftist Washington State wanted desperately to fund jurisdictions that were absolutely the worst. With those letters in the grant application file, they didn’t dare when they came from hundred strong true grass roots movements.

    Trump has the polling data supporting a move to cut off federal law enforcement dollars. This is an easy call.

  4. All this senseless destruction and violence allowed to continue by pelousy & co. for the sole desperation that their shit will stick to Trump.
    I really hate those cunts.


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