President Trump – Pick Up The Concerned Citizens Phone – IOTW Report

President Trump – Pick Up The Concerned Citizens Phone

President Trump. Is this going to happen on your watch? This is about the most depressing story I have read in years.

A Muslim has been awarded the job as Chaplain for an entire army division.

McClatchy ran a profile, and as I’m reading it my mouth is agape at how utterly preposterous the words are.

By the time you get to the part about how this lifelong Christian entered into a debate with a Muslim and had his eyes opened to how superior Islam is, you will be stupefied and enraged.

This commenter had a similar reaction-

Bush Master

β€œIt was all-out cognitive dissonance, depression and shame, honestly,” Shabazz said, recalling his feelings at that moment. β€œI thought I had a stronghold on the truth. And, for the first time, my confidence was shaken in who I was as a human being and what I believed.”

And now he will be chaplain for a 99.9% Christian division / Congregation.

Hell in a hand basket!

As a soldier, a spiritual one, I would think my last rites, should they be needed, will be compromised by the presence of a messenger of Muhammad.
But, as long as the army brass feels good about themselves, that’s all that matters, right?
I am appalled.
Please President Trump, intervene.
ht/ fdr in hell

24 Comments on President Trump – Pick Up The Concerned Citizens Phone

  1. This is just a dumb decision. It wouldn’t matter whether the Chaplain is as far away from radical or fundamental Islam as is possible he will not inspire the confidence needed for a soldier to turn to him in a time of spiritual need especially since the chances are the next battle they are in will be against people of the Muslim faith. Just stupid.

  2. “Shabazz, stunned, was down for the count.”

    Bet I can guess pretty accurately what is his IQ.
    You could too, just pick a number between 60 and 85.

    Please! Is there a General Pershing in the house?

  3. And this surprises you, Cate?
    When some of us wanted to immediately Impeach the fraud preznit, who was most obviously a muslim, did you think we were impudent pages for john mccain?!

  4. The fix for this is to disband all military chaplains. This is what you get with our current system. You don’t get promoted as a chaplain because your denomination is popular. You get promoted by putting in your time. It is only a matter of time until the top chaplains in the military are all sorts of oddities, like Pagans, and even Atheists.

    And it is in no way demoralizing to our troops because most of our troops no longer care about chaplains. The really devout Christians see Chaplains as being too “government approved religion”, and the non-devout ones would rather sleep in on Sunday. The Chaplain corps is just one more anachronism that the military can to without completely. A much better solution would be granting access to chaplains from private denominations. Not paid by the Government. No uniforms. No rank. And the troops would have the freedom to visit any chaplain they want to, at their own expense.

  5. I just dug a toy soldier out of the toy box we have here. I have it standing now in a prominent place in our kitchen. Say a prayer for our soldiers and also our other military branches.

    Lord, protect them from all enemies foreign and domestic. Amen.

  6. When I was in bootcamp, I very much looked forward to Sunday service. It was the only time to escape the hell I was going through… spiritually, mentally, and physically, and as close to home as I could get. Do not take chaplains away from us. And please, for the love of God, keep them Christian!

  7. Make no mistake: we are At War, and we will stay At War with this strange and mysterious Enemy for the rest of our lives . . . unless they are stopped.

    Who is this unconventional Enemy? This eccentric, mystifying movement working inside America today? Its name is Islam and its objective is to convert the world’s peoples into Muslims and transform the United States into an Islamic nation.

    Islam’s goal is not terrorism. Their ultimate goal is to establish a global Islamic state over the entire world. If they can accomplish this in a peaceful manner, that’s fine. But they are decreed by a holy punitive Code to establish this global Islamic state on the rubble of every civilization, every constitution, every government, every religion, every people, who oppose them and their Prophet.

    President Trump, Please Pick Up The White Courtesy Phone . . .

  8. Has there ever been a Jewish chaplain?
    I thought they had to be Christian. Rabbi’s weren’t called Chaplain, called something else.
    I’m getting old.
    Old enough for a 8 year old child bride, maybe?
    Islam is called a religion as an excuse.

  9. Him: “I’m here to counsel you, WO Dadof4.

    Me: ‘Is Jesus your savior?’

    Him: “No”

    Me: ‘Would you kindly get the fuck out of my face and find me an actual Christian clergyman? No offense, but scram scum.’

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