President Trump Reacts to Biden Bike Blunder with Hilarious Response – IOTW Report

President Trump Reacts to Biden Bike Blunder with Hilarious Response

President Trump responded to Biden’s embarrassing mishap and it’s hilarious. 

18 Comments on President Trump Reacts to Biden Bike Blunder with Hilarious Response

  1. They couldn’t photograph him out for a jog, he can barely walk. So some idiot comes up with a plan to the put the damnable fool on a bicycle and doesn’t factor in that it is far more likely than not that he is going to face plant into the asphalt.

    But, but, but… their intentions were good.

    Actually their intent was to sell yet another bill of goods. When you are chained to filling your malAdministration with any mouth breather that you can check off all of the right diversity boxes on, this is what results from it.

    What we are witnessing in real time is the the qualifications of the individual placed in important positions being subordinated to awarding of jobs being based on intersectionality points.

    This is a metaphor for everything the Goddamned shitfingers touching turning to shit. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch and I base that on the stone cold natural fact that the dirty motherfuckers haven’t and don’t give a shit what they trash if it doesn’t have an immediate impact on them.

    It is going to get worse. Whenever anyone is totally consumed by their image, a comedy of errors is bound to ensue, and rightfully so.

  2. Notice; FLATUS, turned right as did the person behind her, almost wiping bidenhistime out, but bidenhistime had eyes only for the little girl the he headed straight toward.

    I guess he forgot that the trading wheels were off. When he stopped.

    But note, he gets up and wham, like Dracula, back to the child.

  3. Why did Joey Whispers have toe clips on his pedals? This was a leisurely ride on a local path – not the Tour de France. Nobody else is entourage had toe clips. Did the puppet masters actually think the creepy whispering sniffing groping dementia patient could stop and extract his shoe from the pedal without crashing and burning. Deliberate? Time for Joey to pedal off to the memory unit?

  4. What kind of idiot would suggest putting someone who doesn’t have what it takes to walk and chew gum at the time without either falling down a flight of stairs or choking on a bicycle to demonstrate they are physically and mentally fit as a fiddle?

    That pretty question pretty much answers itself. This was the brainchild of Dr Jill.

  5. I once saw an experienced rider get his toe caught in a clip while stopped. He fell /rolled and got right up. He was a bit embarrassed but we both had a laugh. I’m no expert,but I don’t see a reason for toe clips if you are a casual rider. I guess it’s like having an AR-15.
    But more people have been hurt by Slow Joe’s toe clip than my AR. And were they high capacity clips?

  6. @Mel –
    Fat One never tried to show how youthful he is by running up the steps of Air Force One

    And that incident you are referring to – at a military academy he was going DOWN a slick ramp with leather soled shoes – it was better to get some help from somebody in rubber soled shoes than fall and be hurt and/or ridiculed.


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