President Trump Releases New Statement on Border Crisis Following DHS Secretary Mayorkas Pathetic Justifications on Sunday Talk Shows – IOTW Report

President Trump Releases New Statement on Border Crisis Following DHS Secretary Mayorkas Pathetic Justifications on Sunday Talk Shows

CTH: Department of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas was confronted today on multiple mainstream media outlets about the complete failure of the JoeBama administration to handle a border crisis they created.   The secretary was apparently not prepared for the media to turn on him and stumbled through pathetic justifications on television.

In response, President Donald Trump released the following statement:

12 Comments on President Trump Releases New Statement on Border Crisis Following DHS Secretary Mayorkas Pathetic Justifications on Sunday Talk Shows

  1. Other than insuring one party rule and/or the destruction of the American Republic, what could possibly be the reasoning over anything that the biden crime wave is doing?

  2. You ain’t seen nuthin yet. Throws the door open for 1 1/2 BILLION illegals around the world to come through. Remember during the Bush admin there was a group of armed patriots on the border trying to stop this? And Bush fought it tooth and nail.
    Why was Trump elected? Remember the #1 issue with voters for decades was/is immigration. Another reason for the election steal.

  3. What conservatives seeing as a crisis those who have planned and instituted it are seeing as an ongoing success.

    A success that is actually exceeding their expectations.

  4. I wonder if the DoD has used some leverage to open up our borders. It gives them thousands of illiterate Mexican peasant types to serve as cannon fodder in their endless little wars in the Mid-east and the big one coming up in SE Asia.


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