President Trump Reluctantly Signs Omnibus – MAGA Community Feels a Little “Less Great” Today – IOTW Report

President Trump Reluctantly Signs Omnibus – MAGA Community Feels a Little “Less Great” Today

Conservative Treehouse: There’s no escaping the reality that today’s Omnibus spending bill is a significant slap in the face to Trump voters and supporters. The $1.3 trillion UniParty spending scheme is a bitter rebuke from the legislative branch. A twitter comment outlines an understandable, albeit emotionally charged, reaction:

“You did have a choice. There’s always a choice. You betrayed us with what you did. We have fought for you. We have lost friends/family for you. We have become targets for you. Yes, you did have a choice. Fix this.”

Despite the valid and understandable reaction, ‘betrayal’ is harsh. From POTUS Trump perspective the lack of “choice” stems from a cornerstone that Making America Great Again is dependent on a strong U.S. military.  Protecting Americans writ large is contingent upon ensuring our military is solid. Unfortunately, the only way to ensure the #1 objective was to acquiesce/concede to the blackmail of the UniParty in DC.  –  FUBAR.

~ “Leadership is often painful” ~

There ain’t a single part of this that seems ok, regardless of necessity. Worse still, is having to accept the republican side of the UniParty would enjoy nothing more than losing their majority position so they can go back to being comfortable enablers of the unholy DC alliance, and expel the annoying disruption known as President Trump.

Yes, this self-preserving UniParty approach is by design; it is a feature of the swamp – not an anomaly. Our only current solace is a historic reference; generally speaking when President Trump retreats from a fight, he tends to re-advance his force with greater severity. But on this singular day, if there’s a larger push-back yet to unfold, the commander-in-chief is conceding to the opposition a great deal of valuable ground.  Keep Reading


35 Comments on President Trump Reluctantly Signs Omnibus – MAGA Community Feels a Little “Less Great” Today

  1. Pretty much my reaction and take, accept Sundance had a better elocution tutor than me.

    With WWIII a possibility, Trump may know the urgency of bolstering our military quickly.
    The problem is CivilWar II is around the bend as well.

    The government is gonna spend. It’s a sad reality of how big the government has gotten, and will continue to be as of now.

    My concern has to be on the economy growing, people working, taxes low, people safe, 2A safe. Can we have that and the Omnibus spending bill simultaneously?

    It seems like and endless loop of holding our noses for the promise of tomorrow.
    Maybe there is no tomorrow, but there’s a today.

  2. This.

    This is the first thing President Trump did that many of us Cruz supporters knew was coming.

    Yeah. Lap it up, you “lick snot” Cruz bashers. I’m no Beck fan simply because I was a Cruz fan. Yet we knew this was coming. Now it is here.

    I will continue to support Trump because he is not Hillary. And I will continue to distrust Trump because he is a Manhattan liberal.

  3. The Military and the Inspector General both got funded. In the grand scheme of things probably more important than this shitty little budget. If you’re looking for a little optimism I recommend going over to some Q pages. It’s not all gloom and doom there.

  4. For Trump there is No silver lining to the storm on the near horizon. The swamp wins this one and will crow about their victory in November. The uniparty still reins supreme.

    P.S. Come November; NO INCUMBENTS.

  5. IF:
    If you remember, I supported Cruz for a long time. But seriously? You think Cruz or anyone else wouldn’t have fucked up facing the same uniparty one way or another? Cruz is weak at the knees for illegals and the HB’s. I knew this and I still voted for him in the primaries. No one is perfect.
    The uniparty – This is what they do and they’re damn good at it. They even tripped up Reagan. REAGAN!!! He got the republicans-supporting-illegals- amnesty wave going until this day.
    Nobody’s perfect. There is no, “well X would have NEVER done this”. Yeah, well, maybe not this, but something else and something just as bad or maybe worse. lol.

  6. Yes, there were a lot of good and necessary things in the budget, but there were many that were pure pork and goodies for the folks back home for both Dems and Repubs (same thing). Here are just a few of the stinkers:

    He should have vetoed it, sent it back to the House and Senate and if they voted to override, so be it. The bad is on them. Signing it makes it look like a surrender to the corrupt Congress and a betrayal to his supporters. I for one am very disappointed.

  7. so, we castigated Bush for putting us in a $10 Trillion hole in 8 years.
    Obama said it was ‘traitorous’, then doubled-down & grew the deficit another $10 Trillion in 8 more years.
    Trump came in & we hoped he’d finally get the deficit down & he’s grown it another $2.1 Trillion in less than 2 years. do the math.

    Trump is right … he won’t be signing another bill like this. The Senate has already put in the bill that they would not vote on another budget for another 2 years … by then Trump will be totally powerless because the Senate and the House will be in hands of the democRats … & the GOPe is just fine w/ that

  8. Pres. trump believes it is part of his duty to protect Daca…
    Illegal immigrants brought in by an illegal usurper.
    His oath of office requires that he preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of United States,
    I have read the constitution several times and I can’t find Daca in there anywhere.
    Get your head out of your ass and do the job you signed up for.
    Otherwise you will look like a presidential pussy of the caliber of Jimmy Carter.

  9. “Pres. trump believes it is part of his duty to protect Daca…”
    I disagree, I think he said it just to poke the libs in the eyes. Remember, they’re (progs and illegals) still protesting the DNC and the Dems over DACA. They won’t let it go. lol. Check out the sanctuary state newspapers.

  10. Immortal fish. I don’t know what you mean by “Cruz bashers”
    here. I, like many others here, were Cruz supporters. But when Trump won the nomination we backed him to the hilt.
    Now you come on with this “see I told you so” bullshit.
    Get a phucking life. Trump covered National Security in the budget. I’m glad you “reluctantly” support him. Mighty kind of you.

  11. This budget disaster is the very reason…
    Why jackasses should never be in charge,
    When dealing with budgets they cannot control their minds or their sphincters.

  12. Moe Tom. I agree but no one control god he is in control of everything. Something good will come out of this. Have faith. We need to pray and believe in god. Something good is coming soon .🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏🙏

  13. @Immortal Fish March 23, 2018 at 6:12 pm

    > I will continue to support Trump because he is not Hillary.

    But that ship has sailed. Struck an iceberg. And keeps bobbing back up. Covered in ice and vodka.

    Do you really think that if you treat Trump like every other pol, the Resistance will sneak Hillary back on the throne?

  14. @Claudia March 23, 2018 at 7:27 pm

    > My heart is just sick that we all are continuing to fund the killing of babies.

    It’s the economy, stu…mthing

  15. Such a sad day. I think that the GOP just lost the Senate and the House come November. In less then a year they went from trouncing the Democrats to likely losing and it’s because of this bill, this vote and Trumps signature. He could have veto’d the bill and gone directly to the people thru twitter to explain why and would have won the coming battle. Now, however, in November Republicans that supported him will stay home, the Democrats will drive their supporters to the polls and Trump will be neutered for the next two years. He’ll rant and complain but the Dems will rule the roost. Then he’ll retire and a Democrat will be the next President.

  16. Look at it this way:

    Why is the lame stream media celebrating this as the end of Trump?

    They are paid what to say, not think.

    This was done on purpose. See through that.

  17. I agree with Africa Bob’s assessment Trump has a plan and will use this to HIS/OUR advantage. I think it will all come down to the DACA thing and how the democRATS pissed backwards on the Latinos! He’s a crafty SOB just watch what he does before you write him off.

    Of course that’s just my opinion, I could be wrong!

  18. REAGAN DID NOT PUT US IS A HOLE! It was leftist GOP voting to override his vetoes! Had the GOP been conservative; the hole would have only been 30% of what the progressive GOPe in Congress made it! The deficit grew in spite of Ronnie NOT BECAUSE OF HIM!

  19. This would have probably happened no matter who got elected except President Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Then it would have been much worse. But, Donald J. Trump got elected because he was going to do things differently. Much differently. He was going to drain the swamp, not deepen it. He should have vetoed the damned budget bill. We didn’t elect George W. Trump, did we?

  20. What if PRESIDENT Trump took some of that military money and started building The Wall with it while all the while claiming “National Defense/Security? 🤔

  21. scr_north

    Yep, your post nails it down tight. His supporters would have stood by him for keeping his word, come what may.

    Instead, he has just signed away the ONE thing that drew people to him–trust. He broke his word to us. Nobody try to spin that he didn’t because he damn well did and you all know it. Stop with the pathetic leftist-worthy spin on why he maybe hadda do it, or what secret goodies we’re going to get out of it, or how the Norks would have nuked the grid if he didn’t sign it. All that is leftist-worthy bullshit spin. He DID break his word to us and you all know it. Doesn’t matter WHY he did it, he DID it.

    And believe it or not, I’m more disappointed than anyone because I let myself believe there’s the possibility he’s actually different. I’m disappointed in myself. I doubted Trump, then I believed. Now he broke his word and Planned Parenthood will be 500 million richer and there’s not spinning out from under that fact.

    Should have trusted my gut.

    The only person on earth who can possibly explain how this is a net positive for the country, how the good WILL outweigh the evil, is Trump himself and the clock is ticking.

  22. Donny Chump is only doing the expected, since as one not possessing an ideology – something that follows having principles (a principle being an unalterable position upon which there is not ever a compromise) – everything is negotiable, including promises to supporters. I guess we’re seeing that vaunted “Art of the Deal”…


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