President Trump says he kept details of ISIS operation from Pelosi to avoid leaks – IOTW Report

President Trump says he kept details of ISIS operation from Pelosi to avoid leaks

FOX: President Trump said Sunday morning that he did not tell House Speaker Nancy Pelosi about the U.S. military raid in Syria that resulted in the death of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi because he was worried about leaks that could have compromised the mission.

Vice President Mike Pence said this was not an indication of a lack of trust.

When asked if he notified Pelosi beforehand, Trump said he did not because he did not want any members of the U.S. forces to die.

“No, I didn’t. I didn’t do that. I wanted to make sure this kept secret,” Trump said. “I don’t want to have people lost.”

Pelosi issued a statement after al-Baghdadi’s death was announced, criticizing Trump for not informing leaders in Congress beforehand.

“The House must be briefed on this raid, which the Russians but not top Congressional Leadership were notified of in advance, and on the Administration’s overall strategy in the region,” Pelosi said. “Our military and allies deserve strong, smart and strategic leadership from Washington.”

Trump said that he did notify Russia beforehand that the U.S. would be active in the region, because Russia currently has a presence there. The president said he did not reveal the purpose of the mission.

Pence downplayed Trump’s decision to keep Pelosi in the dark in an appearance on “Fox News Sunday” immediately following Trump’s address. The vice president claimed that Trump did not mean to say he did not trust the House Speaker. read more

34 Comments on President Trump says he kept details of ISIS operation from Pelosi to avoid leaks

  1. The democrats would have contacted their ally, ISIS, in order to have Delta Force Operators killed in order to beat Trump over the head with the failure. And ISIS’ best friend obama would have made the call.

  2. …the only thing I would be willing to say to Pelosi were I President Trump, would be as she stood on the trapdoor of the gibbet, and it would be “May God have mercy on your soul”.

    …Then the door opens, and another traitor starts the journey to TRUE Justice…

  3. Pence is so annoying, grow a set and call it what it is just like the President. Pelosi and Schiff can’t be trusted and would have ran to the media and CNN would have looped it and our soldiers would have died.

    Proof when she was to be briefed on Syria, she came in wagged her finger caused a scene and ran out immediately to a waiting media and didn’t stay around long enough to hear the briefing.

  4. Trump kept our forces safe, something Pelosi and her team don’t care about in the lest. For them its all about making Trump look bad, American lives would just get in their way.

  5. I read in the Washington Examiner that the House intel committee hasn’t even bothered to have an intel briefing in over a month because: impeachment.

    It’s all they want to do.

  6. Pelosi said. “Our military and allies deserve strong, smart and strategic leadership from Washington.” Hey Nancy, that’s exactly why you weren’t told about this.

    PDT said we spent two hours on the ground collecting intel. I wonder if we recovered any intel on the trip Pelosi and company just took to the Mideast a couple weeks ago.

  7. The funny thing is that democrats won’t squawk about this too much out of fear that Trump may followup with detailed information proving that Piglosi has set up back-channels for leaking just this kind of information to targets of US forces specifically to humiliate GOP presidents, regardless of who dies in the process. Piglosi is an evil cunt, and I pray she gets the hard justice she deserves one day.

  8. POTUS has the intelligence AND the AUTHORITY to command our military as he sees fit.
    We elected HIM to be Commander In Chief.
    Not her, nor any ‘journalists”, “commentators”, retired generals, or cocksucking mayors of small IN towns…

    She, and the majority of our politician/scumbags, are full of Schiff.
    And the President has repeatedly demonstrated they are stupid too.

  9. “…on the Administration’s overall strategy in the region…”

    None of your fucking business, traitor. Again, we don’t want to tell the ENEMY, and that be YOU…

  10. When I think of a leader, I don’t think about some skinny 80 year old liberal cunt from San Fransisco. I Think about fellas like Leonidas, Patton, Eisenhower, Montgomery, Churchill, Bradley…many others….
    She’s on a need to know basis and she doesn’t need to know shit…..Fuck, I hope this democrat dieing frenzy is contagious….

  11. He probably should have announced that he kept the information from the Republican establishment for EXACTLY THE SAME REASON. There is’t any chance whatsoever that had the Romney/Ryan wing of the GOP gotten word of the operation that they wouldn’t have been shopping it all over the swamp looking to see where they could do the most damage.

  12. He probably should have announced that he kept the information from the Republican establishment for EXACTLY THE SAME REASON. There is’t any chance whatsoever that had the Romney/Ryan wing of the GOP gotten word of the operation that they wouldn’t have been shopping it all over the swamp looking to see where they could do the most damage.

    Sorry about the re post, I wouldn’t want to give the impression that there is anything I have to say to or about the dirty moteherfuckers that I wouldn’t say to their face

  13. As commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces…
    The President is not required to release ANY information on current military operations to anyone,
    Let alone the blabber mouthed traitors in the House of both potties,
    The best method is after the action has occurred!

  14. @Old Racist White Woman
    OCTOBER 28, 2019 AT 12:40 PM
    “Pence is so annoying, grow a set and call it what it is just like the President. Pelosi and Schiff can’t be trusted and would have ran to the media and CNN would have looped it and our soldiers would have died.“

    I completely agree. Pence being interviewed by Chris Wallace was so obviously evasive. Just tell it like it is, and then give examples of some of the Dems leaks.
    Besides, the War Powers Act only requires the President to notify Congress within 48 hours.

  15. willysgoatgruff
    OCTOBER 28, 2019 AT 12:56 PM
    “Fuck, I hope this democrat dieing frenzy is contagious….”

    …Perhaps the pace of earthly justice has grown so slow, that even God is losing his patience.

    …if so, Pelosi, et. al., will have a DIFFERENT kind of warming than the “Global” sort to worry about, but it will be a HIGHLY personal sort of “warming”, and DEFINITELY won’t be caused by Man…

  16. I suspect it was not an effort directed at Pelosi per se but rather at Adam Schiff who they were sure to have leaked it prior to the event or right after to deprive the President the honor of speaking to the American people. I think Pelosi would have kept quiet but I would hope that the President would have Democrats informed of this had their communications bugged (with a court order) so that if anything leaked that could pinpoint the source in realtime.

  17. scr_north OCTOBER 28, 2019 AT 1:50 PM
    I suspect it was not an effort directed at Pelosi per se but rather at Adam Schiff who they were sure to have leaked it… I would hope that the President would have Democrats informed of this had their communications bugged (with a court order) so that if anything leaked that could pinpoint the source in realtime.”

    …not that I disagree with you, but we ALREADY know they leak, Schiff in particular has been QUITE blatant about it, but nothing ever gets DONE about it. Well, maybe a sternly worded letter…

    …that’s why there’s no point in a sting.

    There’s no justice.

    …until there IS, the President HAS to limit this type of information to preserve the lives of the soldiers under his command by any means necessary…

  18. Kevin R.
    OCTOBER 28, 2019 AT 12:41 PM

    And this kangaroo court doesn’t belong in the intelligence committee(there’s a oxymoron there somewhere). It should be in the judicial committee with Humpty Dumpty. Yes the intel committee needs to do their job, whatever that is these days


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