President Trump’s 7 Page Letter to Speaker Pelosi – IOTW Report

President Trump’s 7 Page Letter to Speaker Pelosi

…”You are turning a policy disagreement between two branches into an impeachable offense – it is no more legitimate than the executive branch charging members of congress with crimes for the lawful exercise of legislative power”… . READ IT HERE

21 Comments on President Trump’s 7 Page Letter to Speaker Pelosi

  1. Piglousy needs to shake out her depends and turn them inside out, you know, renewable green energy and recyclicable, for the good of the chirruns, nothing else seems to be working in her favor, hope her lifetime supply of polygrip doesn’t run beyond her expiration date and turn to dust and her toxic botox pressure relief valve on her nose doesn’t fail all at the same time, could cause major fumigation response and trip to emergency room to remove schiff head and nonad nodler’s head to fall out of her ass before she has involuntary abortion.

  2. GREAT! A President with both brains and guts!

    After 58 years of hearing “truth to power” I am seeing it for the first time!Go Don Go!

    “tell it like it is:!

    For whom will I vote in ’20?

    Hint a MAN with guts.

  3. Well put, clearly, plainly and directly stated! Not only that, but you can tell it wasn’t written by some legal fluffer trying to impress with a lot of Legal Beaglease. There is no going back from this point on. The democRATs can’t and won’t back down from the corner they’ve painted themselves into. They will lie, cheat, steal, raise the dead and claw for every vote they can harvest, but in the end they are looking at certain death in the voting booths next year! This is a true milestone in our nation’s history and one that democRATs for decades had best take heed of!

  4. We continue to recognize PDJT’s unique energy, style, and competence under fire. No President (except maybe Abe Lincoln) has faced such an organized and hatred-driven reaction to an election and presidency.

    All coming after that SOB Obama who’s life and even marriage is built on lies, deception, and sleight of hand. Hope and change indeed.

  5. I shared this yesterday with some friends and family but not sure why sundance has it at 7 pages….. I only see 6. Regardless, a great letter.
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  6. Montaigne is correct, to deny God is to deny truth. God is truth and the very foundation of morality. God sent his only begotten son ( and Holy Spirit) to intercede as God used to just deal with things directly.

    Satan operates on Earth to achieve his goals through the seduction of man to deny God. He’s been at it since Genesis.

    Same old playbook, Demonrats (and most Republicans) are possessed demonic purveyors of and deniers of Christ.

    They have no morals (except moral equivalence) to guide them as they only recognize lies, sin, and perversions as legitimate belief systems.

    God would have just destroyed this satanic world already if not for the Son of God, instead he once again offers redemption and forgiveness yet again to those who turn away from Satans seductions and repent.

    PDJT has clearly repented and belongs to God and God has protected him against an entire one world government that has arisen to resist him.

    What Demonrats are actually saying is resist God because God is guiding a very imperfect man as he has done throughout time to bring man back to repentance.

  7. If what the FBI, CIA, DOJ and all the other traitor alphabet agencies did to Trump is okay, he should be using foreign agents to entrap Democrat candidates’ staffs and tapping their phones and the reporters who talk to them, no?

    Then, if Congress investigates those actions, he should tap their phones too under the Schiff Rule.


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