President Trump’s Compelling and Heartfelt Storytelling at Medal of Honor Award is Something to Behold – IOTW Report

President Trump’s Compelling and Heartfelt Storytelling at Medal of Honor Award is Something to Behold

This is compelling and moving.

ht/ GoCJG

10 Comments on President Trump’s Compelling and Heartfelt Storytelling at Medal of Honor Award is Something to Behold

  1. This is what is great about Mr. Trump. He loves to tell the story of America, realizes that he is our cheerleader, and revels in the great stories that make up our Country

  2. Thanks BFH, cheers.

    Cue up @12:09, the POTUS talks about a soul.

    Can someone please find me a teleprompter?

    THAT was spoken from the heart.

    Please look from the beginning!

    Funny stuff! Speaks directly to HIS Generals.

    My h/t is CTH.


  3. 4 Silver Stars, 4 Bronze stars, 7 Purple Hearts! and the Distinguished Service Cross … this guy was BADASS!

    second-most decorated soldier in WWII, behind Audie Murphy

  4. President Trump makes me proud to be a veteran of the US Navy. Thank you for posting this. Neither barry nor Slick Willie would’ve never honored a true American hero like this. The more I see of President Trump the more I am glad that he is our President and not hellary. Up till now I had never heard of this American hero’s story, I knew all about Sgt. Alvin York in World War 1 but not this heroic American or his story of courage and bravery at the end of World War 2. This video needs to go viral and shown to all Americans who still believe in the greatness of America and even to those who don’t. Thanks, once again.

  5. @ MrMittens – thanks for that link, but blood now boiling.

    Not good!

    @ Molon – amazing. He made it back?

    His, LT. Conner’s, grandson is a Sub-Mariner.

    Way above my pay grade…

    cue 4:30



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