President Trump’s Fake News Awards Ceremony Postponed – IOTW Report

President Trump’s Fake News Awards Ceremony Postponed

President Trump announced Sunday he would be moving his so-called “Fake News Awards” to January 17 promising supporters they would still happen.  MORE HERE

12 Comments on President Trump’s Fake News Awards Ceremony Postponed

  1. I think it will coincide or come shortly after the release of IG or oversight info that Fusion GPS paid the NYT’s, WaPo or other journos to carry the story of the “Dossier”. Something along that line.

  2. Trump making the dissemination of info about corrupt media into an awards ceremony is brilliant. Who says gov’t has to be boring? Biggest reality show going.

  3. New instances of fake news happens everyday.
    It seems the MSM has made this a competition with more outlandish stories being prepared as we speak.

    President Trump doesn’t want to leave any of the MSM out of the competition, they’ve tried so hard.

    Shadow Government Revealed: Senior Executive Service

    SNIP The Washington D. C. Deep State is a group of 8,156 appointed
    mangers in 75 federal agencies that control the executive bureaucracy
    and tell new political appointees what they can and cannot do. Yes,
    that’s right, the Deep State is an official government program,
    well-organized, comprehensive, and “in charge.” OUT OF THE 8,156 MEMBERS
    APPOINTED BY OBAMA. These the are the “Obama Holdouts” that still
    control the executive branch of government a full year after Trump has
    come to office. Obama expanded the existing

    Flag_of_the_United_States_Senior_Executive_Service.svgprogram of Deep..

  5. Trump plays a brilliant game of living inside their heads rent free. His last Tweet proclaiming how great he was, you could just hear liberal heads exploding all over the country. One co-worked couldn’t stop talking about it the other day (regressive). It was enjoyable telling the fool that Trump only does that because he knows it gets regressives all worked into a lather over nothing.

    I’d like to see him put out a Tweet saying that he is going to ask Congress to put aside $20 billion to put his face up on Mount Rushmore. Ohhhhhhhh the leftist meltdown would be delicious to watch!

  6. @RightWinger
    “he is going to ask Congress to put aside $20 billion to put his face up on Mount Rushmore. Ohhhhhhhh the leftist meltdown would be delicious to watch!”

    Oh, that would be so fun. There would be balls of ash all over America, where libs suffered spontaneous combustion! I’d really love to see that in a meme and reported on fake news.

  7. Right Winger and Mighty Mojo:
    President Trump will adorn the Mountain.
    Only it will be after the second civil war, when we finally wrest this country from the jaws of the Global Communists
    I won’t see it, but I bet Lazlo the Younger will live to watch it being carved

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