Trump’s First 4th of July as President Comes With Stern Warning By Obama – IOTW Report

Trump’s First 4th of July as President Comes With Stern Warning By Obama

Obama warns Americans about too much patriotism — on July 4th weekend!

Lay back and think of globalization.

The Guardian reports:

The former US president said some countries had adopted “an aggressive kind of nationalism” and “increased resentment of minority groups”, in a speech in Indonesia on Saturday that could be seen as a commentary on the US as well as Indonesia.

“It’s been clear for a while that the world is at a crossroads. At an inflection point,” Obama said, telling a Jakarta crowd stories of how much the capital had improved since he lived there as a child.

But he said that increased prosperity had been accompanied by new global problems, adding that as the world confronts issues ranging from inequality to terrorism, some countries – both developed and less developed – had adopted a more aggressive and isolationist stance.

More at The American Mirror

ht/ fdr in hell

37 Comments on Trump’s First 4th of July as President Comes With Stern Warning By Obama

  1. Go blow your wife 💩 for brains!


  2. Traitorous bastard. I wish the best for him; the best investigators of his administration’s heinous activities, which would lead to your permanent exile.

  3. Meanwhile the Jihad-coddling, maladroit, plastic banana republic Manchurian Doorknob, Socialist Marxist Muzlim Mallard and Insecure Kenyan Kremepuff can’t even spend Independence Day weekend in the United States. He has to tell us this from Indonesia! Kiss my ass Jug-Ears!

  4. @Bitter:

    That was one of osh^thead’s commie moves–“Two steps forward, one step back.”

    I learned that back in grade school, during the Cold War…and have never forgotten that tenet of communism. He thought he was being so kewl, on his way to transforming our nation.

    Now, we must pick up the pieces and help PDJT get it all out back together–and we CAN DO IT!!!

  5. the capital had improved since he lived there

    It doesn’t come as coincidence. Now get the hell out of Jakarta before they return to the stone age.

  6. I’m sorry but I have to say this: F*** you Polynesian Cocconut! You not the president and I don’t care what you say! Get out and live in the foreign nation of Massachusetts!

  7. He has to taint everything with his faux b_llsh_t. He ought to stick with his tranny and fake kids and never grace our country that he didn’t build but tries to tear down at every turn.

    I only take heart in the knowledge that he hates us more then we hate him and he’s pissed we don’t have his picture hanging in courthouses and federal offices anymore.

  8. I certainly don’t give a shit what this asshole says. I can ‘t even give a fart. Most presidents after holding office graciously stfu. not this prick. Shows a total lack of class. of course we knew this already.

  9. I wonder whose luxury estate he’s crashing or which 5 star hotel has him staying gratis on this stop of his “Only Mooching the Best 2017 Tour”? Where can I get the t-shirt?

  10. Saw that on the news this morning. I don’t think of herpes when I see Zero, I think Squished Dog Pile on the bottom of Uncle Sam’s shoe. Followed by foot dragging through the grass trying to clean it off.
    That was the bad news, seeing another report of this jerk negatively commenting on America and Americans in a foreign country.

    But the good was, the next news report said he has been talking with the DNC and other Demonrat party grand pubas about how to revive the Demonrat party. He’d done so much for the party over the last 8 years, maybe he can finish them off.

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