President will make a statement on guns today at 10am – IOTW Report

President will make a statement on guns today at 10am


(NEWSER) – President Trump emerged from his New Jersey golf club Sunday and said “perhaps” the government could do more to control guns, CNN reports. “We’ve actually done a lot,” he said on a tarmac before boarding Air Force One for Washington. “But perhaps more has to be done.” The president, who has used explosive rhetoric and posted tweets that many consider racist, added that “hate has no place in our country and we’re gonna take care of it.” He also said the weekend’s two major mass shootings, which left 29 dead and 53 wounded, would have been worse without good law enforcement.

“It would have been unbelievable,” he said. “It [was] horrible but it would have been so much worse.” Still, USA Today quotes him as saying “we have to get it stopped. This has been going on for years.” CNN notes that Trump did manage a bump-stock ban, but hasn’t gone after gun control on a larger scale, unlike President Obama, whose executive actions on the issue included mental health and background checks. Trump said he had spoken to Attorney General William Barr and others about guns and would make a statement Monday at 10am, per Bloomberg. (Trump got slammed by Democratic candidates on the talk show circuit, but also had his defenders.)

30 Comments on President will make a statement on guns today at 10am

  1. It seems both shooters obtained their weapons through legal channels. I can’t see the good of passing more useless “gun control” laws, as the psychos and crazies out there don’t really seem to care if shooting up the place is legal or not. Perhaps what we need is a ban on social media, perhaps on Hollywood.

  2. Mr. President, please note that gun laws only disarm the law-abiding.

    The criminals do not care.

    I believe there is already a law against carrying a gun to a Wal-Mart or a public street and shooting people with it. Several, in fact. These were all violated.

    Merely disarming the people who they are wanting to shoot isn’t going to change that.

    …You might want to do something about all those crazy Democrats who do the shootings, though, and maybe the Democrat “Leadership” that programs them to.

    I think that’s your REAL problem.

    …If you REALLY want to fix this, consider:
    If no Democrat had a gun, gun crime would be vanishingly small, and almost non-existent in the cities where it is at it’s WORSE, so maybe the thing that should be banned is more “Democrat” than “Gun”, just sayin’…

  3. Hate has no place in our country?

    Now he’s using liberal language. Uh oh.

    I can’t hate mass shootings?
    I can’t hate mass shooters?
    I can’t hate my 2A being stripped away?

    Without hate, there is no love.
    Just like without poor there is no rich.


  4. Since more than half of the violent crimes are
    committed by a particular 13% of the population,
    logic would dictate we take weapons out of these
    criminals hands. The Left (always demanding that
    science be applied to problems) must decalre that
    it is time for blacks to be forbidden to have weapons.

  5. Would it be ok to still hate evil?
    Side note, sometimes it takes a gun to stop evil when the police are 30 minutes out.
    99% the time they are not able to stop a shooting before a lot of people die. You should defend yourself and live.

  6. So what is the consensus on Trump’s talk? He tried like hell not to alienate his gun base. He also tried to meet the libstains more than halfway. But if you offer the libs and inch they will always try to take a mile.

  7. here’s the point of red flag laws.

    they take away guns from people who are “dangerous”

    so who’s “dangerous”?

    if you can’t figure out by now how this is going to work out, who’s going to be considered “dangerous”, then give up. you don’t have a clue.

    hint: if you think like a republican, you are “dangerous”

  8. Asking social media to try to detect these people prior to them going off along with red flag bills are just a recipe for disaster – taking away due process and opening up abuse of that which already occurs with censorship. You can probably find hundreds of hard core Jihad sites that FB, Twitter etc could care less about. But say a man can’t be a woman and see how fast you disappear. Trump should have stood firm for the 2nd amendment. It really pisses me off to hear him condemning white supremacists and giving their narrative validation.

  9. First it was the phony red flag gun confiscation hearings in March with Blumenthal. Now, noted RINO hack, Lindsey Graham (2.Zero) has teamed up with Crenshaw in a move that’s eerily like McCain taking Graham under his wing nearly 2 decades ago to show him how “things are done” in DC when a crisis needs to be exploited. Not surprised about my Senator but I was disappointed with Crenshaw throwing in with 2.Zero. Well, maybe not too surprised.

  10. Hold on. I heard POTUS Trump talking about people — many of them young — who have a bonafide, provable history of making credible threats on their social media and to their classmates. How many times do we have to go through this and then the proof easily surfaces about their mental state?

    In a sane world — not too many years ago — people surrounding someone who made bizarre, violent threats against people would have said something to that person or let authorities know. When we were kids, for example, if a neighbor or an acquaintance saw us doing something dangerous or wrong, our parents would hear about it — and be thankful for the information. Today, “it’s all good”. Parents go on kneejerk defense for everything their kids do and say. Borrowing from the Left’s language: “It takes a village.” Maybe these kids would think twice about the insane things they say and do if they knew it was going to get them into trouble. Even if it’s just a kid seeking attention, they need to know it’s not okay to push those limits. Just saying.

  11. I suspect anything that gets done will end up taking more of my freedom away.

    I’ll be free to do something today and not free to do it tomorrow.

    Like bump stocks: I don’t want one and would never buy one, but I used to be free to make that decision for myself -about buying one or not buying one- but now the government has already made my decision for me (and they decided no).

    It’s more of a freedom issue to me than it is a gun or hardware decision. I like to be free to make my own choice instead of having someone in government make it for me.

    We loose our freedom a little bit at a time till we have none, and we are always assured it’s for some “good” and vital reason when it happens.

  12. To stop drunk drivers from killing sober drivers, we just need to BAN sober drivers from the streets and highways!

    ^^^THIS is how “gun control”… ‘works’… 🙄

  13. If two shooting massacres in two days won’t do it, expect more ASAP to have the Communists in Congress AND Trump completely toss the Constitution. We do not have a law and order government any more. (((They)) are desperate to get complete control before patriotic Americans get woke enough to resist. But don’t expect the US Military to defend this country from these domestic enemies. (((They)) are not just going to create more restrictive laws, they are going to forcefully seize them. One way would be for the President to declare martial law, but these Communists don’t need, and won’t wait for any laws. They are ready to go full force against the people.

    BOMBSHELL: Mass shooting events follow pattern of “FBI terror plots” documented by the New York Times… agents recruit social media extremists to frame as scapegoats for engineered violence
    August 5, 2019 by IWB
    by: Mike Adams

  14. By the way,
    an current msNBC employee ex-FBI disinfo agent threw the match on those fuses in a new york times gas match lighting article 3 days ago.

    NBC employees and NYTimes are responsible this.

    Right in front of your eyes.


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