Presidential Hopeful Elizabeth Warren Proposes Busting Up Facebook, Google, Amazon – IOTW Report

Presidential Hopeful Elizabeth Warren Proposes Busting Up Facebook, Google, Amazon


The Massachusetts Democrat, who has largely been critical of large financial companies, said that the plan would unravel large tech giants’ acquisitions of rival tech companies. For instance, her plan would unwind Facebook’s purchase of WhatsApp and Instagram, Amazon’s acquisition of Whole Foods, and Google’s purchase of Waze. Warren’s plan would also prohibit companies from transferring or sharing users’ private data with third parties. Warren would also split up Amazon entities such as Amazon Marketplace and AmazonBasics.

“To restore the balance of power in our democracy, to promote competition, and to ensure that the next generation of technology innovation is as vibrant as the last, it’s time to break up our biggest tech companies,” Warren added.


The time is right for Trump to kneecap Warren by proposing the same damn thing.

15 Comments on Presidential Hopeful Elizabeth Warren Proposes Busting Up Facebook, Google, Amazon

  1. Considering that Bezos and Pichai are big time lefties that contribute huge sums to Warren and her ilk, thus cementing the illicit relationship Warren rails at the most (crony capitalism) it is a wonder how easily the left bites the hands that feeds them.

  2. Now what just a second. Before we bestow sainthood on Princess Sack O Jawea, (jawea being an old indian word for bullshit) let’s remember that she just likes breaking up things. Big banks. Big pharma. And now Big tech. Funny. She never mentions Big Education.

    Don’t get me wrong. I dislike and distrust Big Tech, but I dislike and distrust Sack O even more.

  3. I’m forced to agree with Warren. Five or six of these companies are controlling development and innovation, access and opinion in the tech world. Amazon controls online purchasing from beginning to end including access, purchase, delivery, payment and the little guys that used to have their own websites (or still have brick and mortar shops) are at their mercy. If a company discovers a little start up that could someday rival them they’ll send down a team with a bag of money, buy the joint, have ex-owners sign non-compete’s and bury the technology. The same thing happens in entertainment. Take a look at the octopus ComCast or Disney is.

    Anyway, since I wrote I agree with Ms. Warren I’ve noticed the ground getting colder and methinks it’s not from our Canadian winter.

  4. She doesn’t want these to be turned and weaponized against her party later on. Classic communist tactic after a revolution which is to dismantle the apparatus and kill the revolutionaries.

  5. Granny Liz Warren has nothing to say about breaking up the most dangerous large powerful organization – US Fed Gov. Wonder why that is, when that would be the best, most important, place to start.

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