Presidential Hopeful Unwilling To Pursue the Truth – IOTW Report

Presidential Hopeful Unwilling To Pursue the Truth

Elizabeth Warren just scalped any chance of achieving the white house.

Asked by Chuck Todd if she would take the DNA test to get to the truth of whether she is part native America or not, Elizabeth Warren said that no one is going to take HER truth away.

Yahoo- “That’s the story that my brothers and I all learned from our Mom and our Dad, from our grandparents and all of our aunts and uncles. It’s a part of me, and nobody is going to take that part of me away — not ever,” Warren said.

“Truthiness,” a term coined by the execrable Stephen Colbert, which has been used to make fun of conservatives who he claims has “their own facts,” will come back to bite Warren on her papoose caboose.

What SHE believes is all that matters. A DNA test, the truth, can only serve to make her get the sads. And we can’t have that.

So, taken to its logical conclusion, Warren would have her core beliefs, and any fact, study, consensus or TRUTH will shake her resolve.

Sounds like a friggin’ dictator to me.

Who is going to vote for someone that insufferable?

Well, the left will, because they believe men are women as long as they declare they are women. They believe students can identify as any race they choose. They believe a lot of things that just aren’t factual. So that vote is locked up, always was.

But the middle-of-the-road swing voter? I think Warren loses that vote hands down, especially if the economy is good.


28 Comments on Presidential Hopeful Unwilling To Pursue the Truth

  1. From the Twitter account of Sean Spicier (parody account):

    Don’t be ridiculous, folks! Elizabeth Warren doesn’t need to prove her Native American heritage with a DNA test. A rain dance will do just fine.

  2. Dont blame me, she’s not from my tribe and i got proof.

    Like that old squaw standing on the street corner saying “chance? chance? chance” to all the men walking by. One man stopped and said “Aint you sposed to be saying how?”

    “me know how, want chance”

    Its funnier if the indian is a buck. (Wait, maybe she is a buck)

  3. The late Daniel Patrick Moynihan said “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.” In this age of Political Correctness, I guess he should have said “his or her own opinion”, just so Mrs. Warren wouldn’t be offended.

  4. I think she has done one of those tests and it came up negative.

    “Her” truth? Okay. The hilarious part of this is POTUS Trump is going to knock all the prospective D candidates out before they even start their primaries. LOL!

    Who are the back, back benchers?

  5. I don’t know about other families but ours has generations recorded in bibles going waaaay back. That’s what people used to do.

    The big family bibles always had blank family trees printed in them and people filled them in, religiously. They got passed down. It was very common.

  6. Somebody can get her DNA easily and do this test without her knowing. She’s a public figure and leaves samples on everything she touches or drinks from.

    A patriot like O’Keeffe should be all over this project.

  7. Don’t underestimate the imbecilic socialistic rank-and-rile Demonrat’s ability and willingness to swallow this sort of bilge (by the bucket).

    I had an employee (can’t really call him a Plumber) say “Those are your facts; those aren’t my facts.” when confronted with his “dereliction” of assigned duties – which were witnessed and testified to by 3 other employees.

    Their capacity for self-delusion is very nearly infinite.
    They don’t need acid cuz they’ze already trippin!

    izlamo delenda est …


    Yes, it’s obvious that she has lied about her heritage. But if we focus on her genetics too much, the Left will equate us with a historic political figure who had an unhealthy obsession with racial purity.

    Not that the Left won’t try to do that anyway, but let’s not give them any low-hanging fruit.

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