Presidential – What Does It Mean? – IOTW Report

Presidential – What Does It Mean?

I’m in all ways tired of these pundits. I was surfing and came across someone I do not know on Fox. This bint was saying that Trump is simply un-presidential. He had a moment here and there, and he was very good in Mexico, but he came right back to Arizona and he was shouty again… which is un-presidential.

Let’s go to the videotape —>

23 Comments on Presidential – What Does It Mean?

  1. Can anyone say Hillary looks presidential? She showed up yesterday to speak to the American Legion with dirty, barely combed hair. It’s a look she’s sported a lot lately. She’s so dismissive of the American people she doesn’t even bother to invest in a few wigs so she looks decent.

  2. Grandma Cankles Alinsky thinks she has the election in the bag by stealing, tampering, bribing authorities, buying voters, and dragging Homeland Security into the cauldron with her witchy big ass. She may get more than she bargained for.

  3. “I was surfing.” Ye gads. I guess someone has to, couldn’t be me.

    I was waiting for our pizza the other day and had the misfortune to watch FOX’s Bret Biaer and his panel. What a fucking joke. Do people really think they’re getting informed from this verbal diarrhea?

  4. If CN&N had been around back then, James Madison would have been derided as a retarded midget.

    PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Madison, the shortest and slightest president, stood about 5 feet 4 inches tall and weighed just 100 pounds. He had brown hair, blue eyes, and a rather tawny complexion. His nose was scarred from once having been frostbitten. He wore a size 7.25 hat. Until his last years he always appeared young for his age. From his youth, he was sickly, weak, and nervous, though he toughened his constitution somewhat in later years through rigorous exercise. He suffered from what his principal biographer, Irving Brant, has called “epileptoid hysteria,” psychosomatic seizures similar to those of epilepsy that suspended the intellectual functions. Madison spoke in a thin, low voice. His speeches before deliberative bodies usually went unheard in the back benches. Even the recorder at the Virginia legislature complained that he could not always make out Madison’s words clearly. Neat in appearance, Madison dressed carefully, usually in black.

    PERSONALITY: Madison was shy and reserved with strangers and never learned the politically useful art of small talk. Because of his shyness, as well as his small stature and weak voice, he made a very bad first impression. Contributing to his poor image was his deliberative nature. He deferred decisions whenever possible until all sides had been considered thoroughly. For this, some regarded him as weak and indecisive. But others agreed with Treasury Secretary Albert Gallatin, who said, “Mr. Madison is…slow in taking his ground, but firm when the storm rises.” (Presidential Ham is a fun resource)

    Oh, forgot to mention that Madison was the “Father of the Constitution.”

  5. I watched Trump’s entire speech last night live on CNN. I thought he was excellent, on message, and very ‘Presidential’.
    Then a handpicked CNN panel of full time paid Clinton senior staffers explained to me how hateful, bigoted, divisive and ‘extreme ”
    he was.

    One talking point they kept hammering in chorus was ‘there aren’t enough white men in America to elect Donald Trump’.

    Interesting side note: cable viewership spikes while Trump is actually on camera. And falls abruptly as soon as he’s done and they cut to the Lefty Reassurance Panel.

    Trump 2016.

  6. Rufus — great comment.

    Fur, We watched the speech on C-SPAN, but turned to FNC and that guy was one of the first commenters to speak. What a bunch of nonsense he was.

    Thought Hannity would be a good bet, later, for better commentary but gave up when we saw his ‘panel’ was Wa-Hon Williams and then Jerry Rivers. Really too bad Hannity chose those two after such an important and really good speech. Those two must be paid by the word.

  7. Hillary’s speech yesterday was a vision of the future: The first would-be woman president and “victim” in chief. She looked like a real victim yesterday (intentionally, I’m sure) pandering to the sympathies of the left and center…would have looked better in orange jump suit.

  8. we can debate “presidential” personalities all day long, trump against the vapid / vacuous hillary or next to the 7 1/2 jug-eared comic strip

    bottom line

    extend the positive slope of trump’s climb against hillary’s decline and she has a disaster on her hands

    they have nothing

  9. It’s like you go see a movie, were disgusted or thought it was the best.
    Then you read the reviews and discover just how plebeian your tastes are.
    “Marge, I may not know art, but I know what I hate. And I don’t hate this. Incidentally, thank you for not making fun of my genitalia…” – Homer

  10. “Presidential” is an assumed phony act that candidates and electees assume in order to meet expectations that were set by earlier candidates and electees acting similarly.

    The whole idea is based on fallacy. Two fallacies, actually. The first is the fallacy of petitio principii, commonly translated as “begging the question” but more accurately meaning “assuming the initial point.” The second is the fallacy of post hoc ergo propter hoc, or “A preceded B, so A must have caused B.”

    Someone is deemed “presidential” if other presidents or candidates for president assumed similar phony role-playing. Trump does on occasion seem to act somewhat out of character but it isn’t extreme and doesn’t last long. Other presidents and candidates are in-character pretty much full time, at least when others are around or they are on camera. They are full of themselves. They are full of shit. But I repeat myself.

  11. quotes that make one “presidential”:

    “we came, we saw, he died!”
    “at this point what difference does it make?”
    “i did not e-mail any confidential or secret documents!”
    “there may be a lot of smoke, but there is no fire!”

    “i won!”
    “i have a phone and a pen!”
    “we are the ones we have been waiting for!”
    “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor!”

    “i did not have sex with that woman!”
    “it all depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is!”

  12. Presidential is raising money for Veterans instead of debating hacks. Going to Louisiana donating your time, money and resources for those in need. Meeting the President of Mexico to begin the dialog of fixing our border, illegal immigration, illegal drug trade. Going to a Black church in Detroit to truly bring together the racial divide in this country that our current President has fractured deeper than ever.
    Where’s Hillary? BleachBit-ing damning evidence off illegal servers and sleeping.

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