President’s Statement After Cryptic Tweet – 9 AM Watch Live – IOTW Report

President’s Statement After Cryptic Tweet – 9 AM Watch Live

As expected, the announcement was the killing of the founder and leader of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

The president made special note that he was killed running, screaming and whimpering, in total panic and fear, trapped in a dead end tunnel.

32 Comments on President’s Statement After Cryptic Tweet – 9 AM Watch Live

  1. …Muslims are ALWAYS cowards when they have to fight like MEN, that’s why they attack known disarmed targets that have nothing to do with anything, and only otherwise attack in packs…

  2. “Running, screaming and whimpering, in total panic and fear, trapped in a dead-end tunnel”. Great symbolism for what I’m hoping the Russian collusion and shampeachment perpetrators are feeling.

  3. …nice, but I was really kind of hoping for something like, “Arrests of Democrats have started, summary executions are in progress, gallows are being built on the Mall for the highest level traitors as I make this statement”…

    …you know, how it ALWAYS ends up with Democrats.

    …well, maybe later.

    …call if you need us Mr. President, we are millions…

  4. @TheMule October 27, 2019 at 10:03 am

    > Looks like a typical wag-the-dog bullshit DC beltway maneuver. I thought we were pulling out of that shithole.

    “We” can’t leave, now! Not when the tide has turned! What have you got against “American” success!?

  5. @Super 10:23…Me as well, then figured the President is pacing himself so started with the most immediate event, i’m thinking indictments start next week. (Altho a gallows Halloween display on the WhiteHouse lawn would be a nice touch.)

  6. Just past midnight when it was breaking. . .
    msNBC went straight to Richard Engel, traitor, for a LIVE report. It sounded like he was crying when reporting that baghdadi was dead.
    Shit you knot.
    I thought I was listening to radio caliphate.
    And then right now, at this very moment. . .
    msNBC anchors are emphasizing isis is not defeated and will rise again.
    This was foretold here months ago.
    msNBC and its producers are EVIL and is practicing open sedition in the United States right in front of our eyes.

    “One, if by land, and two, if by sea”

  7. Beachmom
    OCTOBER 27, 2019 AT 11:04 AM
    “Just as the operation was taking place SNL was running a skit…”

    …please see my coment at 10:00 for a better, more appropriate skit…

  8. Never Trumpers commenting on other blogs and articles: Trump sounds like he’s describing a video game he watched.
    Trump should have notified Congress.
    Trump mentioned Russia first, how much more obvious is it that there is a Russian collusion. He worked with Russia but disrespects Congress by not notifying them and then following that up with they can’t be trusted, but Russia can.
    Even Obama showed more respect to our military than Trump. He didn’t take a victory lap. Who says he died like a dog, that is beneath the office of the President of the United States.

  9. 11:49 Eastern.

    Still not a peep from the Democrats.

    Trump agenda. Kill #1 terrorist on Saturday. Attend game 5 of the World Series on Sunday.

    That’s what I call a great weekend.

  10. Well there you have it…the Leftist media is so predictable…WaPo spins the now [finally] dead as a doornail cowardly piece of evil human debris terrorist as an “austere religious scholar”. It’s now more clear than ever and absolute that:

    1) The Left is mentally ill…fully psychotic
    2) The Left admires terrorists (which makes them evil)
    3) The Left believes they are untouchable
    4) The Left is without conscience
    5) Th Left is soul-less

  11. The left is climbing out of their holes and speaking up now.

    Obama’s Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff went on CBS and said he was worried about Trump piling on and humiliation of ISIS and Baghdadi. Under the Obama administration they treated Bin Laden’s body with respect that is due under Islam.

    Washington Post seems to be having trouble coming up with a headline. They first had a headline calling him “terrorist in Chief” then changed it to “austere religious scholar” and third time said it should never had read that way and changed it to “extremist leader of Islamic State.”

    Pelosi issued a statement:

    “Americans salute the heroism, dedication and skill of our military and our intelligence professionals and acknowledge the work of our partners in the region. We are relieved that no U.S. personnel died in this daring raid.

    “The death of al-Baghdadi is significant, but the death of this ISIS leader does not mean the death of ISIS. Scores of ISIS fighters remain under uncertain conditions in Syrian prisons, and countless others in the region and around the world remain intent on spreading their influence and committing acts of terror.

    “This month, the House passed a joint resolution on an overwhelmingly bipartisan 354-60 basis which rejects President Trump’s green-lighting of Turkish aggression into Syria against our Kurdish partners, and calls on him to present a clear strategy to defeat ISIS. The House must be briefed on this raid, which the Russians but not top Congressional Leadership were notified of in advance, and on the Administration’s overall strategy in the region. Our military and allies deserve strong, smart and strategic leadership from Washington.”

  12. There is a Rocker awaiting Nancy.
    Gas powered too.
    Found it in a yard.
    A no notice special delivery.
    Not today. Someday.
    Some Cozy Comfy Someday
    Calendar Calender Colanders
    Co Co Landers

  13. The pilot that isis burned in a cage was 1000 times the man that this piece of shit was.

    Trump told the world he was a coward! Obama never would have.

    Trump shoots straight! It was the first bit of good news I got since the Idiots in my country re-elected Trudeau.

    America is truly luck to have DJT!


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