President’s Tweets – IOTW Report

President’s Tweets

25 Comments on President’s Tweets

  1. Outstanding. The MSM still haven’t gotten used to a President that fights back when they attack. Obama never had to worry about it because the press were his lapdogs and Bush just sat there and took it even telling Cheney not to hit back.

  2. He says, for all the world to see, just what we have been saying. He has his own style and some dainty people cringe at his “crass” demeanor. But if they are true conservative patriots, they will still support him 100%.

    Don Lemon, the “dumbest man on television” – Bwwaaaahahahahaha

  3. Don’t forget that the FBI after the first interview thought Gen. Flynn was telling the truth, but they still went after him.
    Love President Trumps tweets.

  4. You know, when I first saw that meme pic of Trump as a gladiator, I thought “I wish ‘they’d’ stop with the comical-ish depictions of our president”, but on second thought I don’t think they go far enough! These recent tweets from him aren’t merely trolling, they’re bold, true, guns-a-blazin’ counter-attacks against the enemies of The People. No president in modern history has named and exposed the Leftist Fifth Column the way Our Man, Trump has. “Concast Scam”, “Wooden forehead”, “dumb as hell”, “like a dog” — this is scorched earth stuff! And guess what? He’s got them cornered! What the hell can they say in response!? It’s all true!

    Still not tired of it!

  6. This is such a great time to be alive with Trump as President. Never thought in a million years I’d ever see this.

    Regressives are rightly scared to death about an unleashed President Trump in his second term that knows the ropes and won’t be worried about another election.

    It’s almost May Mr AG and there’s plenty of evidence that the FBI is corrupted-we’re waiting.

  7. Was it Shakespeare that said “first we shoot all the lawyers?” That was then, now we should shoot all he media, Well almost all, some we should keep around for comedic value.

  8. joe6pak,

    Brian Williams “wouldn’t know the truth if it was nailed to his wooden forehead”

    3 or 4 nights ago Brian Williams looked very, very uncomfortable on set. As if he was experiencing either physical or emotional pain. In hindsight, his forehead was visibly crinkling.

    Good thing it was recorded. Someone can go check the record.
    True Story

    Also about That Book
    Call me or I’ll call you
    Who saved the Art


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