Presidunce Shitferbrains Does it Again… – IOTW Report

Presidunce Shitferbrains Does it Again…

The imbecile says to go up against the government “you’ll need an F-16.”

This is the same dotard that said “we almost lost out democracy” to a bunch of unarmed guys, one of which was wearing an “assault” viking helmet that the fat lady in an opera would wear.

C’mon man.

The story is at Breitbart, but the bigs don’t seem to be able to make that point.

34 Comments on Presidunce Shitferbrains Does it Again…

  1. Everyone already has F-16s, because they are taxpayer owned.

    If there was to be an actual coup it would start with taking over the military and guess who then CONTROLS the F-16s? That’s right, the coup, the people that took over the military likely under direction of the president from within the military itself with GUNS. The citizenry would split, those with guns who might could do something in support of or against the coup. Those without guns would just sit there like an eggplant.

  2. ecp

    That’s why ShitforBrains says shit like that.They already had the coup and THEY ARE in charge of the military. And Libtards have wet dreams about the military killing conservatives.

  3. In other news, I just left my house and at the end of my driveway I lose my WiFi. The phone pops into search mode and displays the available choices. There was a new one there today. “FBI Surveillance Van”. I shit you not. Either I have a new neighbor with a good sense of humor or the FBI is sharp as a marble. I’ll see if it’s still there when I get home.

  4. ecp

    I didn’t say the Military was participating in an active coup. What I am saying is the Libtards have owned the Military since Obama put all of his Generals in place. Just look at Milley. That’s one treasonous POS.

  5. Wow, how impressive–
    I’ll sic my dog on you
    My dad can whoop your dad
    I have a friend that’ll kick your ass

    Truth is, YOU can’t do shit on your own, outside of shitting your pants but you sure are tough with the talk.
    Fuck liberals and EVERYTHING they stand for.

  6. “Lots of people do that FBI Surveillance Van shit, I’ve seen it a campgrounds and other places.”

    Ha…reminds me of the Simpsons episode where an FBI van parked in front of their home and the side panel read –

  7. An F16. Really?

    For being so Goddamned willing to exploit his Irish roots, he is awful ignorant of how a rag tag bunch of Provos made the British Government about shit themselves. IIRC, the F16 came on line in the mid 1970s shortly after Bloody Sunday 1972. The truce was signed in 1998. The British Tornado we in service practically the entire time. To the best of my knowledge…

    The Provos are Marxist/Leninists and get no love from me on that account. That being said, they were relentless in attacking British government officials and damn near blew Margarett Thatcher’s ass up. They were as ruthless as they were relentless and their rifle of choice was the Armalite. Not the M16/AR15, but the short stroke AR180. They had a number of Barrett 50 calibers and used them quite effectively.

  8. Let me correct that: Sinn Féin were trending increasingly Marxist/Leninists the Provos were against hitching their wagon to the communist horse. I think the Provos and Sinn Féin split about 1970. The internments is what turned the diminishing relevance of the IRA around and Bloody Sunday set it off with a real shitstorm of people throughout Ireland supporting the cause.

  9. “ I’m a Second Amendment guy. I taught it for four years, six years in law school.” -Joey

    Can we get a fact check? This imbecile couldn’t teach finger painting to preschoolers.

  10. Biden’s broken brain latches onto simple things and he can’t let go. President Stone Age can’t deal with the Drone Age.

    “The remarks came as the U.S. steps up its strikes on Houthi targets and ahead of President Joe Biden’s admission to reporters that so far, his administration’s military action was not having its intended effect.

    “When you say working, are they stopping the Houthis?” Biden said in an exchange with reporters in Washington, D.C. “No. Are they going to continue? Yes.”

    Keep f—king that chicken, Joe. You’ll find out the hard way that we don’t need F-16s.

  11. Any threat to “The Democracy” is a good thing, since The United States is founded as a Constitutional Republic. The Founding Fathers hated the concept of democracies which are gateways for systematic Marxism.

    Xiden keeps blurting out loud what the leftist regime’s agenda would prefer to keep quiet. You can bet he’ll continue having senile slips of the tongue…to our advantage. Patriots need to pay attention to counter the left’s schemes.

  12. PatRiots, is that those mostly peaceful facsits, racists, marxists, commie burn it all down types? Democratic Republic, like it or not that is the United States of America. Both terms are used together to describe our form of government. To say we are just a Republic is a incomplete description. Yes there are some countries that bastardized those words, Democratic Republic. We have no control over their misuse of thise

  13. I’m a student of history, Joey is correct!

    Remember that time the Afghan air-force (with mostly F-16s) kicked the shit out of the Russian Army, then just for fun Chased the Americans out too?


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