Press Secretary Chuckie: Biden Won’t Need a Vaccine Passport – He Has ‘Private Plane’ – IOTW Report

Press Secretary Chuckie: Biden Won’t Need a Vaccine Passport – He Has ‘Private Plane’

Neon Nettle: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Joe Biden is ok to travel because, unlike the average American, he has a private airplane.

Psaki also confirmed the government is developing “guidelines” for vaccine passports.

Psaki was pressed on Biden’s position on whether companies can tell their employees not to return to work if they haven’t been vaccinated or if passengers could be rejected by airlines without proof of a vaccine.

Psaki said:

“Well, we’re going to provide guidance, just as we have, through the CDC.”

“There’s currently an interagency process that is looking at many of the questions around vaccine verification.” read more

25 Comments on Press Secretary Chuckie: Biden Won’t Need a Vaccine Passport – He Has ‘Private Plane’

  1. Shouldn’t he just pretend to need one, to set an example for the little people, like he does with his double masks? I know he didn’t get a real vaccine—way too risky—just a shot of salt water, but he should still have a phony vaccine passport. Kind of like his buddy Barack’s birth certificate.

    There are a lot of people out there depending on the illusion, Joe. Don’t let them down.

  2. Pissaki is full of it! The “private plane” is not his, it belongs to the people of the US who pay for all the expenses, fuel, maintenance and storage. The plane does not. have Biden painted on the side.

  3. So, there you have it. Press Sec. Chuckie just confirmed what most conseratives already know – commie oligarchs like Xiden don’t follow rules they mandate for everyone else.
    He not only didn’t get an actual Covid vaccine, he thinks a mode of transportation – a private plane, most people don’t have excludes him from being required to have a Covid passport.

  4. Extirpates
    MARCH 31, 2021 AT 1:40 PM
    Pissaki is full of it! The “private plane” is not his, it belongs to the people of the US

    Same goes for the US Capital and in fact all govt real estate in DC. I don’t know who they think pays the mortgage on these “sacred structures” 🤮 otherwise known as the peoples house, but these squatters, when reminded (1/6/21) weaponized the same govt agencies mandated to “serve and protect” against the people. They have it bass-ackward and not a single reporter, nor member of Congress for that matter, will speak up and remind them of this fact.

  5. Exactly, as others have stated, Airforce One or any other government owned property does not belong to Xiden. Taxpayers own his “private plane”.

    If he has his own plane, then that would be different.
    Yet, no matter what he will ignore his mandated, unconstitutional Covid passport any time he wants.

    Like all communists, the government is Xiden’s center of power, legitimate or not.
    He considers everything the government controls his personal property or rule. Just like a king and not a president – which he is neither.

  6. Since I now identify as the President of the United States I do not need a vaccine passport because I will be flying on the taxpayer provided private plane! Stuff that in your cup and drink it peasants!

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