Press Starting New Scare: “Murder Hornet” Invasion From Asia – IOTW Report

Press Starting New Scare: “Murder Hornet” Invasion From Asia

Just type in the search term “murder hornets” and see how many hits you get with fresh news articles today. This potentially invasive species, better known as Asian giant hornets, can be found across East Asia but is mostly associated with Japan.

Last September the Canadians reported sightings of this predatory hornet with a further report just south of Vancouver on the US side of the border in December. The media is just now getting around to sound the panic bells. Here and Here


48 Comments on Press Starting New Scare: “Murder Hornet” Invasion From Asia

  1. Sometimes you just have to sound the alarm

    Otherwise people might see one of these hornets the size of hummingbird and think, “Wouldn’t it be fun to harass this thing.”

  2. OK, the run on Beekeepers’ Suits is already over…
    the Murder Hornet’s stinger is long enough to easily penetrate the suits.

    Christonacracker, we’re all going to be living in haz-mat suits before the end of the year.

  3. Bring on the new .30 bore pump and double barreled shotguns – to avoid the ire of the semi-automatic firearms haters – and new ammo featuring shot much smaller than #9! Or maybe loaded w/ Kosher salt. This eventually could outstrip hog hunting. I wonder how long it would take State and local governments to require hornet tags and hornet gun registration? All for the children, of course…



  5. In high school wood shop we used to play “bee baseball.” There was a large presence of bees for some time and we would pick up some scrap lumber and… you get the idea.

    Later in my life, I was on a job site and there were several, very large wasp nests that needed disposing. Because I grew up in the 70s, I knew all about making fire: I grabbed a can of Krylon and a Bic lighter and got medieval on some wasps. Talk about a blow torch!

    For individual flying pests, a tennis or racketball racket works great.

  6. I recall that in the summer of 2001 there were all sorts of stories about shark attacks. Like this summer in particular the sharks were going absolutely nuts. Every shark attack was reported, breathlessly, with projection as to what would happen next.
    There weren’t more attacks. In fact there were fewer than in 2000 – and there are never over 100 worldwide in a year. And that includes nips on the ankle – which in fact is what most of the ‘attacks’ were. Also, there were 5 deaths in 2001 due to shark attack and 12 the prior year (a very high number). But for the entire summer, newspaper headlines were all about shark attacks. Until September of course when the stories disappeared, replaced by a real story.

  7. Talk about a shitty start to the year.
    After I lost my shirt in the market, and I just got over my Coronavirus infection, I get stung by one of these murder hornets

  8. They were a problem in canada but Justine Turdeau just took away all 1500 variants of the type of assault weapons they were using as their weapons of choice.

    All is well.

  9. Asian flu, Wuhan flu and now Asian killer hornets. I demand that a wall be built on the Asian Pacific border – Japan excluded – and boycott products made in China. It’s time to return the Chinks to third world status. I’m tired of their infestation and infection of this world.

  10. I saw one of those in Manteo flying around a trash can a few years back. Big as a hummingbird. They’re already here. We got Carpenter bees and European Hornets, why not Kung Bees?

  11. What is the go-to Panic Buy for this crisis?
    Let’s spin the Wheel
    Is it toilet paper this time? A thousand times no!
    This crisis: Wasp and Hornet spray and protective eyewear!
    Badminton racquets! Tennis racquets!
    Anything connected to Beekeeping!
    Little packs of honey to squirt on other people to protect yourself!

  12. Actually — and I’m rather astonished at the header here at IOTW — the Asian Murder Hornet is a big problem for WA, OR, ID, MT, CA because these creatures can wipe out our native honey bees in no time flat. They attack honey bee hives kept in the orchards and cut off the heads of the bees, saving the torsos for food for their own hives. They eat the eggs of honey bees — just wipe them out.

    I’m glad the media is sounding the alarm — if they truly get the important info out there (and not a bunch of Weekly World News nonsense about the threat to humans). We have a very small window of time to identify where these hornets are and to track them down in order to diminish their populations. Washington State University has a webpage dedicated to instruction on how to ID them and who to contact from there. It’s doubtful, they say, that at this point they will be completely eradicated, but if they are not checked we could lose our biggest crops of tree fruits and other fruits and vegetables from these large areas of America’s orchards which rely on domestic and export sales for their existence. That’s 1000’s upon 1000’s of jobs as well as the crops.

    I was also reading about the invasion of a particular fruit fly as well as striped mussels which have come from Asia that are threatening native species. Don’t dump your exotic fish, turtles, and other reptiles into local lakes, streams and ponds!!

  13. P.S. Would you trust the Canadian Commie PM Pink Sox Justine Turdeau,PC, NWO, Selfie fetishist and anti gunner, anti free speech greenie or his ilk ?
    It has most of the MSM in its hip pocket from taxpayer subsidies.

  14. Abigail, I respect an appreciate your comments from an onsite perspective and firsthand knowledge.

    This illustrates what damage the press has done to real reporting. The lack of credibility causes us to not be able to sort fact from fiction, how to assess what the actual threat is, etc..etc…

    The fake news media has done a terrible disservice to the country, to a criminal level, IMHO.

  15. Local exterminator called them “Japanese Hornets”. They had taken up residence in the block walls of a communications equipment building on a mountain top. When they got ‘juiced’ from the rag stuffed window crack of the truck of the tech we contracted they lost their minds. Sailed off into the surrounding trees where you could hear the collisions. Sounded like .22 bullets hitting wood.

    These things are big and fast and the exterminator I was with had a more than healthy respect for the things.

  16. Develop a sonar tuned to a Jap Hornet flight signature and place it near hives and have it alert exterminators, use drones to find the hive and hill it with fire

  17. .

    The literal translation of their name in Japanese into English is – Big Sparrow Bee. [ 大 スズメ バチ ]. Not the kind of bug I want to be showing me it’s territorial boundary. . .

    [“Murder Hornets” Spotted In U.S. – Newsy] .

    Asian giant hornet vs Black hornet
    Is the giant hornet the strongest?
    Place your bets. .

  18. I’m with Abigail on this one-
    I hope that the giant hornets don’t even get far enough to reach OR or CA. :l

    Otherwise it really would be a major problem.

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