Press Ushered Away When Biden Was Going Off Script – IOTW Report

Press Ushered Away When Biden Was Going Off Script

This is an embarrassment.

9 Comments on Press Ushered Away When Biden Was Going Off Script

  1. Biden Admin Renews Iran Sanctions Waiver That Unlocks Upwards of $10 Billion for Regime – “The fact that the administration will not even tell the American people how much money Iran has accessed over the last four months—money that subsidized three American soldier deaths and nonstop attacks on the American Navy—should prompt the U.S. Senate to immediately pass the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act and send to the president’s desk,” he said, referring to legislation that would cut off Iran’s access to previously frozen funds.

  2. When POTUS Trump again leads this country, MAGA should insist that no press credentials be given to legacy media groups. Let CBS, PBS, NBC,Fox et al, obtain their talking points from the WH gardners and the guy who drops off the dry cleaning.

  3. That was bizarre. The stages of Dementia are many, including the childlike state Biden just displayed.

    He was very close to saying, “Can I take a couple questions. Jill!?” or addressing whoever his handler “parents” are behind the scenes. Medications can only go so far. It won’t stop the progression of Alzheimers; .

    He will totally lose it soon way before the election, November 2024. It’s going to be bad. Peeing, pooping, drooling and staring into space – no one home, back to infancy bad.

    The left will let Dementia Joe’s speedy decline play out in public, so his replacement (Gruesome, Big Mike, KamalMao, Nero Nikki etc.) will look like a leftist super-human demigod by comparison.

  4. Another day where the only sentiment I can muster for my government is hatred and disgust. For ALL of them.

    May they all soon meet the grizzly demise they have earned. In this life or the next.


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