Pressure Builds On Democrats To Attack ICE – IOTW Report

Pressure Builds On Democrats To Attack ICE


Democrats in Congress are under increasing pressure from the party’s hard left base to endorse attacks on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which enforces the nation’s immigration laws.

Democrats at the national level are divided on the issue of abolishing ICE. But momentum is on the side of the abolish ICE crowd, thanks in part to months of pressure from left-wing activists and journalists.

Several 2020 Democratic frontrunners have come out in favor of abolishing ICE, and progressive House Democrats are pushing a long-shot bill to abolish the agency.  MORE HERE

10 Comments on Pressure Builds On Democrats To Attack ICE

  1. There’s no doubt about the lefts desire to undermine our Constitution and long standing laws. They want to re-do our system to fit their faulty thinking. Its time for them to pack up if things are so bad and leave and stop trying to smudge out and assassinate America politically.

  2. Ugliness grows at approximately the same rate as their desperation does. Even appearance for the sake of appearance is out the window with these slugs now.
    SCOTUS Conservative majority for the rest of my life – it’s all good!

  3. The best thing that Democrats can do is tell these people to shut their damn mouths and if they don’t like it to go form their own party. They just might, taking 15% of the votes (and a lot of money with them) but will never amount to anything, will be treated like pariahs by most of the Hollywood set and therefore the media as well and will die out, leave politics or slink back to the Democrats. The Democrats will have to endure a number of years in the wilderness while they purge their ranks of these leftists as well as Pelosi, Schumer, Clinton and that ilk to emerge as a stronger, viable alternative to the GOP and reminding people more of the JFK Democrats then the Obama/Clinton(s)/Carter disasters.


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