PRICELESS! Joe Biden finds out Hillary is about to LOSE the ELECTION – IOTW Report

PRICELESS! Joe Biden finds out Hillary is about to LOSE the ELECTION

PRICELESS! Joe Biden finds out Hillary is about to LOSE the ELECTION


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18 Comments on PRICELESS! Joe Biden finds out Hillary is about to LOSE the ELECTION

  1. We owe Andrew Breitbart a huge wave of thanks for saving our country. He first exposed Weiner’s weiner and now he has pulled the pin from the other side.


  2. So umm, why does Huma need to send all these classified docs to her home/personal mail?

    Gee, one might almost suspect that she could in fact be some sort of operative for one of our biggest enemies or something (eg, the MB), and sharing sensitive information with them, am I right? /s

    Oh wait.. she needed to send them to personal mail so she could print them all out at home. Ahhh.. that makes sense, because the government does not have adequate printers you see, thanks to the GOP, and.. /s

  3. Let’s give Weiner some credit here. He’s getting even with Hillary and with Huma. It’s payback time. I could shake his hand for holding onto the ammo like he did. He may be the one to save America. Jmho

  4. Who the Hell do the FBI think they are, Taking on Queen Hillary?
    She is the peoples choice to lead us all into serfdom.
    Those idiots in the FBI have not heard the last of this from Comrade 0bama’s DOJ.
    Whatever it is they claim she did I know she did it for the good of all of us.
    Leftist Lives Matter !!!

  5. Actually, it may not have come from Weiner, it may have come from Assange, and those 33,000 emails were captured through the cloud to be released next week. Comey got ahead of it and Hillary may be thrown under the bus. Assange did say the final nail for Hillary is coming. Obama may be implicated, so who goes? Huma and Weiner are the scapegoats. Who knows? Just saying.

  6. Time for the 0bama’s to cut any connection to the Butcher of Benghazi.
    Someone has to go down and I guarantee it wont be the first black preezy.
    Warm up the bus.
    Adios bitch.

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