Prince Charles Accused of Racism – IOTW Report

Prince Charles Accused of Racism


Prince Charles has roused a Guardian reporter’s ire by allegedly making a racist remark about her, People reports. Anita Sethi met Charles this week at the Commonwealth People’s Forum, and when she told him she’s from Manchester, he apparently said, “Well, you don’t look like it!” and laughed.

Sethi, a woman of color, says she was stunned. “Since it happened I have been through all the feelings—from shock to humiliation to rage,” she writes in the Guardian. “This is exactly why some people, including the prince, urgently need a history lesson about immigration, the British empire, the Commonwealth and colonialism. Because I do look like I’m from Manchester, actually—a city in which many people of color have been born and bred.”

She says Charles should no longer become Head of the Commonwealth, a position he was appointed to Friday. “We need to skip a generation so that Prince Charles does not become king of England or head of the Commonwealth, and these privileges pass to leaders more enlightened…


17 Comments on Prince Charles Accused of Racism

  1. ….. shock!…. humiliation…. RAGE!!!! For the love of God, can people NOT be so fookin’ thin skinned.

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. I am sooooooooo sick of identity politics….. inability to laugh at oneself…

    Where the fuck is Enoch Powell when we need him, some simple sanity? ….Lady in Red

  3. Just read that the Queen has officially named Chuckie as her successor. So, Great Britain will *still* be headed by a queen, even after Queen Elizabeth passes on!


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