Princess Kate announces cancer diagnosis – IOTW Report

Princess Kate announces cancer diagnosis

Video here.

19 Comments on Princess Kate announces cancer diagnosis

  1. ^^^ This is the system the people have chosen, they could revoke it at any time but it works for them.

    I can think of some pretty glaring deficiencies our own system of government has, like allowing any dumbass low-information voter to cancel mine.

    She seems like a good person, a good mother and wife, and possesses a clear sense of duty, I hope she makes a speedy recovery.

  2. I feel for her. What an awful diagnosis. Then to have her medical records breached by hospital staff, to have guttersnipes like Kim (The Human Commode) make jokes about her being missing, and for the odious fans of Ginge and Cringe (The so-called ‘Sussex Squad’) spread vile internet rumors such as she had an abortion from an extramarital affair, her husband had beaten her into a coma, etc. is unimaginable.

    Wishing her a speedy recovery.

  3. Well, the Media that hounded her for a slightly doctored picture is now commenting that the Media should have left her private alone rather that forcing her into producing this address…


    Everyone knew she had surgery but they FORCED her to make an Appearance and give up more details than should have had to.

    Cheers Kate, Your all KLASS!

  4. Not much privacy if you’re a royal, look at what happened to Diana. When I read that Charles doesn’t even squeeze his own toothpaste but has a servant do it, I thought what a useless lump. Why do the Brits put up with them?

  5. Many prayers for her and her entire family–particularly the children.

    My life’s vocation is and has been teaching children–mostly preschoolers and pre-Kindergartners, but also other ages–and I am fully aware of how tricky and difficult it can be to speak of serious and frightening things with children.

    It is important to be both honest AND careful in how much detail is presented, especially to children of varying ages; that takes 100% focus. Each child is different, each child receives and processes things differently. Children also have the propensity to think themselves responsible in some way for bad things that happen. Kate and William have been and will be involved in a tough but necessary job. May God be with them every day.

  6. I have a feeling she’s a lot worse off than we know. If she had simple colon cancer, surgery would have taken care of it, like it did President Reagan’s cancer. She’s having chemotherapy because the cancer likely spread from where it was discovered. Very sad: she’s a nice woman.


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