Princess Puff-Piece’s Strategy to Rope-A-Dope the Vote Seems to Be Working – IOTW Report

Princess Puff-Piece’s Strategy to Rope-A-Dope the Vote Seems to Be Working

Washington Examiner

Vice President Kamala Harris’s effort to steer voter attention away from her radical policy positions — with the help of media allies — is working to keep even sizable majorities of Democrats and independent voters are in the dark about what she supports.

The results of a new survey of her top 10 most controversial stands shows that her new supporters in her bid for president are unclear and mostly wrong about her. More

15 Comments on Princess Puff-Piece’s Strategy to Rope-A-Dope the Vote Seems to Be Working

  1. I dunno. On Monday Frank Lunz says on CNN, look out, Trumps getting all the union vote, the sky is falling. On Tuesday he says on the same program, Trumps in deep shit. Kammi’s message is taking hold and she continues to expand her lead over Trump. Then yesterday on the same exact show, BooHoo, I just completed a focus group on 28 an under and they’re all voting for Trump. Can’t wait to read what the little faggot came up with today. Point being I don’t think any of these people know what’s going on. In my mind I’m thinking once on the Trump train you’re not getting off. And he was way ahead of Biden a couple weeks ago. like 62 to 34 on some polls. I can’t believe all that has changed that much.

    you make a great point. Who says the “cheat” will be successful. There is so much intense marijuana smoke screen subterfuge coming from the left it may be an indication they don’t have their Shiite together. Dead voters, Dominion, hordes of illegals may not be sufficient. Also, the plantation black voters are showing signs of doubt and confusion. An attempted Trump assassination didn’t work – that’s real desperation.

    Yes, the Shadow government has the power to seat KamalMao in the presidency, but they have competition from the left and could be sabotaged. Not only the lunatic fringe radical groups aren’t sold on KamalMao and company, but moderate and independents aren’t sold either. Since they didn’t get to choose a nominee for the candidacy, they’ve got to be resentful.

    All is not Kumbiya in the Demwit camp. Count on some monkey pox business on display at the DNC Convention. The wheels on the Demwit Democrat Unity bus are in reality flat. Don’t expect the DNC chaos to show up in the leftist media. Being cover for the Democrat socialist agenda is all they want to do.

  3. Major Probs to Have Gun, WTF
    Finally. A stratagic thinker.
    Thank you, Have Gun.
    You Get It.

    Half-Props to 99th,
    You still have that Cannabis hang-up.
    You don’t get it.
    It’s from God.
    And was made illegal to sell YOU PLASTIC.
    1930s. It’s Fact.

  4. “… is working to keep even sizable majorities of Democrats and independent voters are in the dark about what she supports.”

    Scuse me, is this Engrish? Doesn’t the Washington Examiner have proofreaders?


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