Principled Paul says he’ll block the president’s national emergency – IOTW Report

Principled Paul says he’ll block the president’s national emergency


Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) disclosed on Saturday that he will vote in support of a resolution this month to block President Trump’s emergency declaration, reports the Bowling Green Daily News.

“I can’t vote to give the president the power to spend money that hasn’t been appropriated by Congress. We may want more money for border security, but Congress didn’t authorize it. If we take away those checks and balances, it’s a dangerous thing.”

Why it matters: Paul’s vote, along with the votes of Republican Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska) and Thom Tillis (N.C.), gives the Senate the majority necessary to block Trump’s national emergency. Sen. Lamar Alexander also warned Trump last week that he will face a GOP rebellion if he follows through with the declaration. Trump has already vowed to veto the resolution if it passes, which will be the first veto of his presidency.

ht/ joe6pak

26 Comments on Principled Paul says he’ll block the president’s national emergency

  1. Rand seems to have forgotten that Congress gave the president the authority/power to do exactly what he is doing by passing the National Emergencies Act of 1976. If Rand doesn’t want DJT to invoke that law to build the wall, what he needs to do is repeal the law. Otherwise, STFU.

  2. It is however okay for the Congressasses to vote to spend money they don’t have (print 21 trillion dollars), vote to pass laws they have no authority to pass (2nd amendment issues) Fail to secure the American people in their homes and property (open borders) appropriate money to murderers (Planned Homicide) and fund terrorists (democrats) but not support national security!

  3. Uncle Al nails it and this should be sent to Rand Paul to respond-

    “Rand seems to have forgotten that Congress gave the president the authority/power to do exactly what he is doing by passing the National Emergencies Act of 1976. If Rand doesn’t want DJT to invoke that law to build the wall, what he needs to do is repeal the law. Otherwise, STFU.”
    -Uncle Al

  4. The other thing Fur is that the money has been approved by congress just not spent on the programs it was sent to.
    Which brings up another question how much money is “left over” in other programs that P.Trump can not tap into?

  5. The Secure Borders Act 2006 was to build a Wall, and it was APPROVED by Congress; it is the LAW. Congress fails to budget the money for the WAll yet it’s the Pres’s fault for trying to enforce the LAW on the Border ?? This pretzel logic makes my head hurt.

  6. Uncle Al

    It’s EVEN more hypocritical than that. Obama, and others, have passed a shit load of Presidential national emergencies TO PROTECT OTHER COUNTRIES. This one is to protect our country. And now Paul has issues with this process. I hope he’s got a couple more angry neighbors. What a dick

  7. I agree with Uncle Al, they gave the President this authority.

    Our President though needs to finally understand he can’t trust these GOP bastards, he should have vetoed their bill and shut down the government.

    Damn idiot Republican voters need to stop reelecting these damn bastards.

  8. By the time the walls finally up they’ll all be inside it already.
    I’ve bitched, complained to my congressman and senator, I’ve sent letters, donated money yet I’m just pissing up a rope. I support groups that speak up about it and still nothing. They’re all just ignoring us

  9. “Checks and balances” my supple yet firm Manderin ass! Randy would rather be piously political than securing the safety for all Americans.


  10. My understanding is that the money the President will use to build the wall has already been allocated by Congress only in other areas. In most cases it’s unspent (but allocated) money so what’s Paul’s knickers in a twist for? Besides as already mentioned the law allowing the President to take this approach was already passed by Congress years ago. Sometimes I really don’t understand this Rand Paul fellow.


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