10 Comments on PRINCIPLES

  1. The Clintons — both of them — are so icky. There’s just no other word. They are grotesque people. As I’ve said before to the #nevertrump-ers on the right, the Republican Party has, for my entire adult life, fed me shit sandwiches for presidential candidates, and I have always voted for said shit sandwiches even though it left a bad taste in my mouth. It is now time for these sore losers, these supposed conservatives on the right, to belly up to the table and eat a shit sandwich of their own. But no matter how bad it tastes to them, Trump cannot POSSIBLY be worse than Obama, who is now egging on — and ARMING! — bad actors to start WWIII. Trump cannot POSSIBLY be worse than Crooked Hillary, who deserves to be in jail for past offenses and who, if elected, will bury the 2nd amendment, dissolve our borders, and God only knows what else. Get over yourselves, #nevertrump-ers, or, at the very least, shut up and go to your room. And stay there.

    (Oh, PS, I was for Cruz, but he didn’t win he primary, so I am now supporting the fairly elected Republican candidate, just as I always have. See how that works? It is possible to swallow your pride and do the right thing. I’ve had to do it every effing election, so maybe that’s why I’m better at it than you.)

  2. EE could give a shit if Bill gets back into the WH because yaknow,,,,conservative principles.

    Of course curtailing illegal immigration isn’t conservative, is it? Preserving our culture & traditions isn’t either is it? Having a strong military? A strong economy that puts Americans first? These aren’t conservative principles???

    But using 100s of 1,000s of “syrian refugees” to seed small, conservative towns across America is??
    Or open borders? Trillions in fairy dust money? 100s of Billions for pie in the sky schemes like windmills and solar farms? 4 more Kagans/Sotomayors? Perverts in your daughter’s bathroom? Well these are the things you’ll get with Hillary. And much more & much worse too.

    Bill getting back into the WH will be the least of it. Electing her would be like waking up from the worst nightmare of your life to discover you have terminal, rectal cancer. And you had Mexican for dinner.

  3. TO Tired Mom

    My favorite thing to throw in their faces
    is the notion that WE had to suck it up
    in the name of unity when it was THEIR guy…

    …now it’s THEIR TURN.
    NO excuses.

  4. Ain’t that the truth Czar(and Tired Mom)

    One fucking shit sammich after another, all under the guise of he’s the most electable. And even when we got GHW in and squeaked W by, WITH SOLID MAJORITIES IN CONGRESS in the 00s, it got even worse.

    But now? Nooooooo, the lazy susan is turned to them now with a platter full ‘o Trump and they aren’t gonna participate. Fuck ’em. After Trump wins they’ll be like the Wicked Witch in Oz, “I’m meltingggggggggg(away)”

    Good GD riddance.

  5. Drudge today announced that a retired Secret Service Agent is releasing a book on the Clinton White House.

    Titled “Crisis of Character,” the agent states that their conduct “sickened him.”

    Hopefully this will be the final nail in this evil woman’s political coffin. Nail …. hell, make it a 6″ lag bolt.

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