Principles!!! – IOTW Report


Zero Hedge – Anti-Trump Texas faithless elector Stephen Christopher “Chris” Suprun, who wrote a widely-shared op-ed in The New York Timesabout his decision, in which he claimed ideological superiority over Trump, which would prevent him from voting for the President-elect on December 19 as he is required, joined and paid for cheating website Ashley Madison in 2012, using the same address registered to his 9/11 charity, while bankrupt, likely unemployed, and married with three young kids, after he and his working wife owed over $200,000 to multiple creditors — and that’s just the start of it.

GotNews’ research into Suprun’s bizarre and unexplained flip-flop against President-elect Donald J. Trump turned up Ashley Madison data, damning bankruptcy records, and a series of P.O. boxes and what appears to be an association with a payday loan scam site.


ht/ rob e.

40 Comments on Principles!!!

  1. Ooohhhhhhhh, I didn’t know you could recall an elector. Oh I REALLY hope this will get played the way liberals like to play: rough. They like to look up people’s personal information because they asked a question? (Joe the Plumber.( They like to find out who donated to what campaigns and then destroy their small businesses and harass them at work? (California marriage vote: restaurants, Mormon Church, etc.)

    I hope the person or people who gathered this information is already ahead of me on this (and it looks like they are): we can play that shit too. You want to talk smack about having principles and obey the law until it’s inconvenient, then try to disenfranchise an entire state full of people because you don’t like the way they voted?

    Play hardball, m****rf****r? Go look up what kind of hot water Adam Smith got himself into–and that was just for being an asshole. I don’t ordinarily wish bad things to happen to people and certainly wouldn’t want to see his kids suffer, but I can see where this is going, and as for him, God help me, I have no sympathy.

  2. Can someone ‘splain to me how this guy became an Elector in the first place? I was under the impression electors are usually named at state conventions, and they typically are state-elected officials, party leaders, or people with a strong affiliation with the Presidential candidates. Who’s letting this guy in?

  3. When I hear people repeatedly and publicly avow, “I cannot in good conscience” and “my morals won’t allow”, my alarm bells go off.

    It does raise the question of how Suprun (as he publicly stated) was chosen as an elector at the convention.

    Btw, Chuck Johnson has for whatever reason been lumped in w/Alex Jones (dunno the history), but GotNews seems to dig up dirt on these people and break before anyone else. I saw this a couple of days ago before ZH.

  4. I am shocked. Shocked I tell you! People who hype their own lack of ethics are “ethics-challenged”.

    Seldom do the chickens come home to roost so well.

    He and van Jones should go on tour.

  5. Not to mention the 3 or 4 other petitions along the same lines. One is to postpone the electoral vote and his inauguration for an investigation of Russian influence. One for a do-over vote. Another begging the Attorney General to bring a case to the US Supreme Court for a Clinton victory.

    All but one with more support than removing the Texas elector.

  6. oh my, now they posted his home address in Cedar Hill, Suburb of Dallas. No telling what may go down there at the Creepville Suprun casa. Governor Abbott needs to dismiss this turkey pronto and send the Texas Rangers after him.

  7. @Dadof4; The others are national in nature while the remove the elector is Texas only voters. As far as the national petitions are concerned I suspect a whole lot of the signatures are fake (remember Obamas online donations in the name of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck etc) and regardless they won’t go anywhere.
    If this guy gets recalled and a replacement named by the 19 it should also serve as a warning to any other elector that choose the ignore the will of the people in their state that they change the vote at their own peril. Finally, this horeses-ass needs to be taken in for questioning on the suspicion he sold his vote (there has to be some law against that) and to follow that thread until it’s proved beyond a reasonable doubt then it’s “let’s make a deal” for names and testimony or he exonerated.

  8. The one question I have about electors has been the same one since I first understood and accepted it for what it is: Why do we need actual people to cast the vote?

    I mean, why not just have the representative number just given to the candidate? This state had X amount and they go to Y candidate. Why go through the casting process if they are supposed to cast them a certain way anyway?

  9. He wants to talk principles…okay.

    He asked for this position and he took a vow, which he wants to break. The only moral thing for him to do is to resign and step aside so another elector can do the will of the voters. For him to do otherwise can only be seen as treason.

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