Priorities – IOTW Report


Obama hates your colonial asses.unnamed

17 Comments on Priorities

  1. I actually did read that some of the older “refugees” were being set up to receive social security and medicare benefits even though they never paid a dime into anything. I don’t know if it’s true because I think it is illegal ………. but of course, the law doesn’t have any impact on the current regime so it really is believable.

  2. If you’re not completely ticked off already.

    Sen Sessions lays out how the GOP legislature just stabbed Americans in the back, and handed Obama all he wants; more money, more refugees, corporations firing Americans and replacing them with contracted immigrants, illegals given tax credits for children not in the country, continued funding of sanctuary cities, etc in the Omnibus Bill passed at 2 a.m.

    Stating that the Omnibus Bill Explains Why “Voters are in Open Rebellion. ” .

    WTH is wrong with these so-called elected representatives ?
    Maybe six of them are worthy of the name.

  3. Welcome to my world. Il Douchey can’t be bothered negotiating the courts’ union contracts, which expired March 31, 2011. But he ‘s committed to “eradicating civil rights violations against transgendered individuals in New York State” I also hasten to note that his name was conspicuously absent from the list of governors who decided to Just Say No to Syrian refugee resttlement.

    I work to run a state agency, so screw me.

  4. Fur has the best, most honest and fairest site of all and I’m challenging all IOTWreport readers to donate at least 15 bucks before Christmas. And no I’m not related to him.

  5. We’re regularly warned that Social Security is running out of money. But Welfare and Food Stamps seem to be a bottomless pit of money.

    We’re cutting benefits for veterans and raises for military. We’re downsizing our army and naval forces to levels lower than before WWII. BUT . . . we’re not stopping payments or benefits to illegal aliens.

    The Nation has divided itself into Republicans and Democrats. The business of Democrats has always been to commit crimes against the People for their own benefit. The business of the today’s Republicans seems to be to aid, abet, cover & conceal those crimes against the People.

    A pox on both their Houses!

  6. It’s only rape if you say no and you try to resist.

    So no, Barky isn’t raping America, we’ve ALLOWED him to do it all to us.

    And the Republicans have held us down to allow it.

  7. A Christmas wish to me would be that all those gun nuts that are hoarding ammo, would stop hoarding and start using some of it to Make America Great Again. About 100 Libtard and RINO funerals before Xmas would be the greatest present ever.

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