Priorities – IOTW Report


Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa and Rafael Palmeiro  raked over the coals by the government because they play a game.

ht/ bad bradsteroids

5 Comments on Priorities

  1. Yeah, they tried to convict Roger Clemens of lying to Congress, and spent 32 million dollars trying to send The Rocket to prison. Now, the IRS, EPA, DOJ and Secretary of State routinely lie to Congress – everyone KNOWS they are lying – and nothing is done. Zero. Nada.

    Damn them all.

  2. No shit-all that palaver over some pro hormones and steroids. Remember Joe Biden going full retard? Over this?

    Kabuki theater, nothing more. What is wrong with these people?


  3. The lawlessness and corruption of the DC elite will jump to a whole new level now–we ain’t seen nothing yet. The Republic as we knew it is done.

  4. I’ve always wondered. . . . with all the IMPORTANT shit being done to / not being done in this country, WTF is it about SPORTS that gives the Klown Krew in Kongress the right and authority to meddle?
    Just leave it between the sports commission(ers), owners, managers, and players to settle between contracts, drugs, etc.

    “What if they gave a subpoena, and no body came?”
    (to paraphrase an old hippie poster)

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