Priorities… – IOTW Report



According to, the United States is planning on spending more  $28,389,184,000 this year overseas. We’re obligated for $85,908,664 and have already spent $10,829,869. Much of the money is being channeled through the Department of State and USAID, so these figures don’t include direct military assistance. At a price tag of $25,000,000 you can see how there would be about $3 billion left over for foreign aid after paying for the wall.

If redirecting all foreign aid for a year towards protecting our border on into the future seems to harsh, let’s look at what Mexico is slated to receive from us this year alone. According to the same source, we are going to spend $87,660,000 on our neighbor to the South.  That’s a little over 5 percent of what Congress just tagged for building the wall out of the $1.3 trillion dollar 6 month spending bill, but it’s a start and it comes from what we are going to spend on Mexico.

Then there is the $25 billion for “Peace and Security” designated by congress in fiscal year 2018 given under “Foreign Assistance” in the annual “Congressional Budget Justification.” Unfortunately, the report doesn’t break out the $25 billion by country, but according to CNN Israel and Egypt tend to receive 75% of military aid between them.

In conclusion, the money to build the wall is already being spent on other countries in the pursuit of other objectives. We just need the political will to make our border security a priority.


13 Comments on Priorities…

  1. Isn’t it amazing how Obama happened to have $150,000,000,000,000 just laying around to sneak off to our decades old archenemies, the Iranians.
    But we can only muster half of that for our own military?

  2. In a couple of years those amounts could add up to some real money…

    And unfortunately, if memory serves me the Obamatron released what were frozen assets that the turds were able to access without his help… So technically not our money…

  3. Of course we know we send gazillions to other countries, quite often it goes into some dictator’s petty cash drawer.

    Of note, during today’s pentagon brief, besides the transgender issue, the press was atwitter over the rumor Trump wants to use military funds/nat’l guard on the border. Dana confirmed Mattis & the President have had convo’s about this but no further comment.

  4. Technically not our money? Come take it then.
    Did Iran reimburse our hostages for lost wages, mental suffering, illegal imprisonment?

    How about the widows, widowers and their children of the victims of their terror attacks.

    Not our money? The way I see it they’re at least $150B in the hole.

    Did Germany or Japan have assets here to which they were the rightful owners to? I don’t think so.


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