Priorities – IOTW Report



Nearly 50 percent of parents with children under 18 take on debt for Disney trips with in-park food and beverages the biggest drain on the family vacation budget, a survey shows.

Financial website Lending Tree surveyed Americans about how vacationing at Disney World impacts their finances.

It found some 24 percent of all Disney-goers have accrued debt during their trips, along with 45 percent of parents with children under the age of 18. More

20 Comments on Priorities

  1. Why anyone would go to a commercial entertainment venue like a Disney park is beyond me.
    And why anyone would take a child under 15 years of age there baffles me.
    Pictures of my young children are proof that they were not thrilled to be there back in the 1970s.
    I tell that to anyone who will listen. I speak from experience.

  2. Parents who take their kids to Disney parks are basically idiots. I’m all for a good roller coaster ride, bit that’s what state fairs are for. And then, not every year. Try camping, sailing, motor boating, hiking, mountain climbing, fly fishing, lake fishing, saltwater fishing, spear fishing, swimming, snorkeling, surfing… or staying home and building something.

  3. Imagine paying to take your children to be indoctrinated by a mouse a duck and a big goofy dog. Not to mention how overpriced the whole propaganda mill is to the average person.

  4. I went to Disneyland in Anaheim in ’75. A couple of friends and I did a cross-country trip with a tent, camp stove, and sleeping bags that summer. One of the guys had relatives that lived right there in Anaheim and they let us camp in their back yard. We also did Knott’s Berry Farm and Universal Studio while we were there. Even back then Disneyland was a little pricey, but I had a great time.

  5. I see them all the time at the airport coming or going to Disneyland. The families coming back with their kids in tow are a sight to behold.

    Like a grown woman wearing a Minnie Mouse dress (red with white polka dots – must have bought it at Disneyland at a huge price) and mouse ears. Middle aged men wearing Mickey Mouse T shirts trying to hide their huge bellies. It’s all repulsive cheap shit clothing most likely made in poor countries but providing Disney with huge profits. The kids coming home are usually adorned with mouse ears and carrying souvenir junk.

    I look at the disgusting parade passing by and think to myself, “Have I been transported back to the 1950’s?”

    The last time I bothered going there they still had the ridiculous Monsanto House of the Future and the Rocket Ship to the Moon Ride. Since then they got rid of the Jungle Cruise and I believe all the shooting galleries. Eff Disney.

    They used to have four worlds, like the Future World, Adventure World, etc. Now they probably have just one world – The Woke World.

  6. I guess I missed my shot at going to Disney Land. I don’t feel too cheated, though. We love our state fair, but even there — last year — it cost Geoff C. and I $25 for 2 corndogs and 2 sodas. I don’t know how an entire family can go have some fun that’s affordable, yet doesn’t require mom and dad to exhaust themselves. Camping, etc, is wonderful with kids, but someone’s gotta sort and pack the gear; shop, prepare and cook the meals, etc.

  7. I went to Disneyland once on the Saturday after Thanksgiving in 1972. I had just graduated from Navy bootcamp in San Diego the week before and all the recruits who had just finished bootcamp were taken by bus to Disneyland for $20 and a day of fun. We were told that we could go to Disneyland or stay on base and have a duty day cleaning up, we all chose Disneyland. As for Disneyland now there is no way in hell that I could afford to take my family to Disneyland and spend 3 to 5 thousand dollars if not more for a Disney vacation. And besides Disney sucks now and is not the Disney that I remember growing up back in the 60’s.

  8. I carried my kids to Disneyworld twice. The first time A buddy in the Air Guard worked at Disney and he got me a weeks worth of park passes and daily meal vouchers. I spent less than $200 at Disney that week for a family of 4 and the kids were 10 and 13. The second time was a trip to Epcot where my brother-in-laws nanny had a sister that worked for the mouse that got us free day passes. I had a free place to stay and all I had to pay for was parking and food.

  9. This is NOT your Walter Elias Disney’s Disney World.
    I have an old parking receipt from years back at Disney World.
    It was 75 cents.
    I believe they charge 50 bucks now.

    Face it folks, we grew up and lived during a Golden Age.
    That age is gone, quothe the Raven… Nevermore!

  10. The kids and I go to Omak Stampede and Ellensburg Rodeo every year. I buy about 25 wristbands for each of the carnivals, we give about ten away to kids they are having fun with and the parents, for whatever reason, don’t have money for all you can ride wristbands. I probably spend $400 on rodeo tickets, I don’t know. We get comped by stock contractors, contestants and performers and friends give us tickets. Sometimes I give our tickets away because we want to sit with the stock contractors. We spend a lot of time in the Okanogan river and at Omak Lake at Stampede and at Eburg we divide our time between Kittitas County Fair and God knows what. Pendleton is tough, it’s the second week of September, after school starts, but we can move the RV to Tri Cities and run down to the show and Happy canyon in 45 minutes. We don’t do the whole ten days, but will try and make a three day weekend to catch the finals. One day, after I retire we are going to Frontier Days for two weeks in July. It’s a long run from Tacoma to Cheyanne.

    We try and hit Kallispell, Waterville and Okanogan Fair and catch the Indian Relay races there and if we were not in Omak for Stampede Week would run down to Ft Hall. We have made a lot of friends among the Sho-Ban.

    Other than that we don’t do much other than day trips. From the time the weather breaks through the first week of August, after the truck patch is in our RV is on the Columbia River on my buddy’s lot in a resort and we head over every other weekend unless we are in Montana. We try and make a two week run to visit friends and relatives every year.

  11. Going into debt for a vacation is not wise. Should be a Proverb. I have been debt free my whole life except for a mortgage. Always buy buy what I can afford not what I may want.


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