Pritzker Family Has 64 NGOs Sucking In Millions of Taxpayer Dollars – IOTW Report

Pritzker Family Has 64 NGOs Sucking In Millions of Taxpayer Dollars

Harrison Smith Bombshell: Pritzker Family Has 64 NGOs Sucking In Millions of Taxpayer Money.

23 Comments on Pritzker Family Has 64 NGOs Sucking In Millions of Taxpayer Dollars

  1. …and then there’s Penny Pritzker:

    “President Volodymyr Zelensky met with the new U.S. special representative for Ukraine’s economic recovery, Penny Pritzker, in NYC on Sept. 20. The two officials discussed priority areas in Ukraine’s reconstruction, as well as support for “the most promising branches of the Ukrainian economy.”

    I am willing to bet that many of those NGOs are Ukraine grifts. The Pritzker family has a lot in common with 7elensky. That’s all I’m going to say.

  2. Again, non-profit doesn’t mean no-money. Non-profits are great for laundering government funds and private donations.

    Setup a non-profit, then give bloated salaries to yourself, family and friends. Rent office space, furniture, vehicles, storage, etc. from legitimate for-profit companies owned by yourself, family and friends. Purchase items and services through companies you, your family and friends profit from.

    Donate laundered money to political parties and candidates who will make sure your non-profits get plenty of taxpayer dollars, as long as the kickbacks keep flowing.

    Corporations and individuals donate money to your non-profits with the understanding that they will donate a large portion of that donation to certain political parties and candidates, in order to get around political contribution limits.

    Exorbitant speaking fees and book purchases also come to mind.

    These are just a few of the creative ways non-profits are used and abused.

    I don’t mean to condemn all non-profits. There are many legitimate organizations, but the rules make it easy to game the system, so it gets gamed.

  3. Fraud is a go to for Democrats and any other leftist organization. Putz-cur is one of many blue state corrupt politicians taking advantage of their constituents. Hope it leads to procecution for him and his family. Sadly, in Illinois he can easily be replaced.


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