Private Citizen Analyzes RCP Polling For Primary Accuracy – Her Findings Are Eye-Opening – IOTW Report

Private Citizen Analyzes RCP Polling For Primary Accuracy – Her Findings Are Eye-Opening

She ends her video with, “I don’t want to hear any nonsense about this polling.”

And she’s right. When you get done hearing her analysis you start to wonder what is afoot here.

The sad part is that there are those on the right simply repeating the “Trump is going to lose in a landslide” garbage, when anyone that knows anything knows that polling is meant to influence the gullible and weak-minded.

Pollsters know that the Homer Simpsons of the world simply vote for who the pollster tells them is leadingĀ because they want to vote for the eventual winner, that makes them feel smart.

So when I hear those on the right reBLEAT, 3 months out, that Trump will lose in a landslide I pretty much lose all respect for them.

141 Comments on Private Citizen Analyzes RCP Polling For Primary Accuracy – Her Findings Are Eye-Opening

  1. She lives in a sunny climate, she doesn’t have a wedding ring on, speaks wit an eastern european/Isarali accent… kinda big hair/fur, with a drooping brow beater….HMMM, makes you wonder….

  2. I think that particularly in this election, the polling will be way off. I know a lot of people who will vote for Trump, but will never admit this publically. This also happened more than a few times in the Republican primaries.

    Despite the best efforts of the media, Clinton comes with a lot of seriously bad baggage. My area is heavily Democrat, and I don’t know hardly any Democrats who will vote for Hillary because they think she is “the most qualified candidate in history” or even a good candidate. Most of these people would vote for Kim Il Un if he was running as a Democrat and even if he promised to send them all to concentration camps.

    So maybe the thinking is that Hillary is an upgrade over Kim Il Un, and that’s why they are voting for them. But I suspect they aren’t thinking at all.

  3. Did you see trump’s last 3 speeches? The man is just now hitting his stride. A debate or two and grandma Alinsky will be consigned to drooling in her oatmeal.

    Trumpster’s last three are the new starting point.

    And yeah. Bannon and Conway are an awesome addition to the team.

  4. “Likely voters” are voters who consistently voted in previous elections. If the news reports over the last year are any indication, Trump is drawing people who have either not voted in a long time because they gave up or have never voted before. I can’t say if that is an especially large segment of the population or not. But one thing I know for sure is they will never be polled because they do not fall into the “likely voter” category.

  5. This is where Menderman is now.
    Stamping his feet that this woman’s analysis is wrong.

    You have jumped the shark.

    No, this was not the analysis of the Mccain election, nor the Romney election.

    This woman is doing the math to show that RCP consistently over-estimated Hillary against Bernie, and underestimated Trump in a packed field.

    And the GOP consistently had more total votes in each of the primaries.

    Yet, somehow this post pisses you off.

    You are as transparent as it comes.

    (Pssst…. Cruz is too greasy and ugly and has too whiny a voice to win a national election.

    STAND BACK PEOPLE— He’s gonna blow!!!!)

  6. What’s afoot? Obummer set the criteria for election fraud when he stated that (paraphrased) Oh maybe you could wonder about fraud if the loosing candidate was up maybe 15 in the polls but he still lost.

    Polls HAVE to knock Trump down so people won’t think it’s fraud if he looses. Trump has to win by an overwhelming landslide to counteract the finagled Diebolts.

  7. Aggie, a dozen or so errors out of the thousands of polls is hardly worth noting. RCP is the only polling site I pay attention to because of their historic accuracy. Truth is, Trump is doing horrible in the polls like it or not. Denying that truth does not change it. I do anticipate that after the first debate that things will even up or even show Trump in the lead. I doubt Hiliary can stay awake and upright for a 2 hour live debate. As many well respected (by people here) say, when Hiliary speaks,she goes down in the polls, when Trump speaks he goes down in the polls, but what is happening right now is Hiliary isn’t speaking and Trump is. I do believe the debates will change that.

  8. This election cycle is such a black swan event that its wise to stay sceptical. Conventional wisdom is dead. The current political environment is better studied through the application of chaos theory rather than traditional political science. The one thing that is certain, believe none of what you hear, and little of what you see, it’s all manipulation.

  9. I’m confused. Why does Menderman think Trump will do his “bidding”?

    Romney and McCain were slightly down in the polls and all through the election and all I heard was that the polls were biased and that they were going to win anywat. I didn’t hear what RCP’s polls were on those two candidates in the video and that really is the “facts” that would have been relevant.

  10. RCP is the only polling site I pay attention to because of their historic accuracy.>>>

    The woman just showed how RCP underestimated, consistently, Trump, and over-estimated, consistently, Hillary.

    We post her findings and you show up to tamp down any possible enthusiasm that might erupt from such a post.

    And then you’ll whine that you’re being picked on.



  11. Sundance has a boatload of polling data analyses. One of his readers, a statistical analyst-type, took the raw data in April/May (?) and extrapolated it out over the primaries and the GE. It was about that same time that Trump voters were mocked by some commenters here as having our heads up The Conservative Treehouse’s backside, so I think most of us thought twice about sharing his data and summaries of the polling (or anything)here. The guy’s a freaking genius with this stuff and he’s been right every, single time. It’s how he came up with the “Monster Vote.” When you see how it works, you’ll have a very nice rest-of-summer and early fall.

    What this woman says is true. And I see that Menderman is quick to dismiss her simple analysis by saying that Real Clear Politics is only one source. But RCP is the *average* of polls. That’s what RCP does.

    Any media poll you can reject out of hand. The rest? You need to look carefully at the metrics and method used.

  12. Many pollsters do it as a business, not for political ends. Their future income depends on accuracy.
    Rolling averages show this to be a tight race, and not even Trump (who buys his own polling data) is claiming otherwise. That is why he is focusing on the process being ‘rigged’.
    We will sweat though August and September. It will be guns A blazing in October.

  13. Menderman your not being logical. She pointed out a small sampling of skewed RCP polls, you claim RCP is your go to site. How is anyone supposed to take you as objective?

    Truth is Trump really isn’t any long doing horribly, my belief is due to the fact the media had been exposed.

    Now you predict after the debates Trump will be leading….. But you constantly moan he can’t stay on track……I just hear a guy (you) trying to take credit for the success we all saw coming.

  14. I’ve stopped paying attention to the polls. All I have to do is look at photos of the yoooge crowds Trump draws to his events vs. the empty chairs at a Hillaryfest to know who’s got the public’s ear, and who’s going to win.

  15. Grandma Alinsky knows that the more the public hears from her the lower her poll numbers go. Thus her long public absences extend. She’s hiding because she knows that America hates her.

    In the meantime trump is informing African Americans and hospitals that she’s betrayed them. And democrats have used them for their votes.

    Trump declares GAME OVER.


    Would Jeb Lindsay or even Cruz do this? Doubtful.

  16. Fur — “We post her findings and you show up to tamp down any possible enthusiasm that might erupt from such a post.”

    Thank you for acknowledging exactly how big a wet blanket Menderman is on these kinds of posts. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

    I think we’re through a tasteful period of mourning for what might have been regarding other candidates. But Trump has been our official candidate for nearly a month and isn’t it about time to pull out the pom poms and the megaphone and celebrate it? I mean, really. When do we get to celebrate?

  17. John.

    Pollsters are both political and businesses.
    Polling is wildly all over the map 3 months out.
    Marist will have a republican losing by 14 points while Fox would have them up 9.
    Both can’t be right.
    Fact is, neither are. They are intentionally skewing the results for political reasons.
    And as we get closer to election day the polls miraculously fall within the margin of
    error, the place they probably were all along. That’s the business part.

    Polls are used to influence, not reflect reality, because people are FUCKING DUMB.
    All races come down to fighting for the margin of error- the dumb people.
    The “undecideds” with 2 weeks out.
    Who are these people?
    Do they exist?
    Who knows?
    The Trump/Clinton race is probably within the margin of error right now. But certain people, who are ostensibly Trump supporters, get furious when it’s suggested that Trump can win.


  18. Well, I’m a likely voter, and in all of my years voting (I’m 55) I have NEVER been asked a question by a poll. Never. Why? Because I’m a conservative, that’s why. But Menderman will get his wish, I don’t expect Trump to use a teleprompter in the debate(s). He doesn’t need one to sink Hillary. I hope I get my wish, and Hillary does of a stroke or heart attack during a debate, and I hope it all gets broadcast to the world. Not that Trump won’t whip her ass if she doesn’t die…

  19. Are you drunk Big Fur Hat? When did I whine about being picked on?>>>

    If I’m drunk you’re smoking heroin.

    I have no time to play this game, especially if you’re going to characterize yourself as someone who’s never been at odds with the commenters and not having it lead to a meltdown, complete with dramatic exit.

    Are you kidding?

  20. Dumb people don’t go to RCP to study the polling averages. Dumb people watch MSNBC and believe everything they are fed. Dumb people don’t cherry pick a dozen errors made by RCP out of the thousands of polls they analyze. Agenda driven people cherry pick the polls and post videos to prove their agenda. That, however has very little effect on reality.

  21. Despite the polls, here is the down and dirty truth about our two candidates.

    From AMERICAN THINKER, by Timothy P. Farrell

    “1. Donald Trump is elected president. He proves to be a disaster.

    What is the likelihood he will be impeached and removed from office?

    ANSWER: 100%

    The Democrats would be happy to do so. The Republicans would not back him and will comply with impeachment or force him to resign.

    2. Hillary Clinton is elected president. She proves to be a disaster.

    What is the likelihood she will be impeached and removed from office?

    ANSWER: 0%”

    Read more:
    Follow us: @AmericanThinker on Twitter | AmericanThinker on Facebook

  22. Not that it matters now but iPhuck changed Hispanics to hospitals in an earlier post.

    I may have to go back to cromagnon tech for future posts. Ugh. I hate it when Bill gates sucks me back into windows hell.

  23. Wow! If there’s one thing that makes me eager to open up my laptop or turn on my tablet, it’s so’s I can pick up where the saga left off yesterday — to see how the epic argument between the blog owner and the resident Nancy is going to end. /sarc

    The problem is, it never ends. It just keeps on going and going and going and going and going….

    What was the topic?

  24. And then youā€™ll whine that youā€™re being picked on.>>>>

    Does this comment say you whined tonight?

    It’s a comment on the hysterical, err, historical record.

    I’m saying that you’ve come into a thread, many times, that is posted for the sole reason of garnering enthusiasm for the troops, and then you come in and lift your leg to piss on it.

    If you’re challenged for being an asshole and a prick (because that’s how you’re going to be seen when you say to everyone that you’re supporting Trump yet feel the need to shit on pro-Trump threads) you act like you have no idea why this is happening to you.

    Nice job at deflection of the other comment, by the way.
    I asked “why do you do what you do?” and you chose to focus on the whiny part, and mischaracterizing what I said, as well.

    So, why do you do what you do?
    You’re at a site that largely supports Trump because we see it as a no-brainer when Hillary is the opposition.
    You know that.
    Yet, you show up on threads to be the cake farter?
    What are you gaining?
    A Hillary win?

  25. Back to RCP. As many will recall, the polls failed in sates that held open primaries but were generally accurate in states with closed primaries. Many speculated that since Hiliary was guaranteed the win, many of her would be voters crossed over to manipulate the republican ballot. Others speculated that it showed Trump had great appeal to disfranchised democrats. Which of those two scenarios do you believe to be more accurate?

  26. Fur, I am old enough to have watched this play out over 10 times as an adult.
    Pete and Repete toss out this poll argument every election.
    What is often overlooked is that as the group gets larger, polling becomes more accurate.
    We need to address why we are in this position rather than create another group of people (pollsters) to attack.
    What do we have, about 80 days?
    A lot will happen in that short time, and so far Hillary is holding her cards tight to her chest.
    I get flamed for suggesting positive campaign, so I won’t do that.

  27. “ReBLEAT”? Good one, I like that.

    I read an excerpt on one of the blogs, can’t remember which one, an opinion piece from a pollster in the NYT, about how hard it is to get accurate polls these days, due to cell phones, and answering machines.

    I know I wouldn’t answer these people’s questions and I know others wouldn’t either. After all who answers an unknown number on their cell phone?

  28. Wow! If thereā€™s one thing that makes me eager to open up my laptop or turn on my tablet, itā€™s soā€™s I can pick up where the saga left off yesterday ā€” to see how the epic argument between the blog owner and the resident Nancy is going to end. /sarc>>>

    It won’t end.
    Menderman is a friend of mine, a dear friend.
    We don’t see eye to eye on this.

    Lots is said in public.
    Maybe too much.
    If it was a TV show maybe it would have good ratings.
    Here? Not so much.
    People hate this shit.

    I really want to know what is gained by this constant need to
    not allow certain types of posts be posted unchallenged.
    Who does this post hurt that it needs to be dismissed with a bit of attitude, to boot.

    Who would have a problem with a post that is designed to stoke optimism
    for Trump, that one shouldn’t be discouraged by info designed to sap your spirit.
    Who would have a problem with that?

    Someone who doesn’t want optimism, and someone that doesn’t want to see Trump win, that’s who.

    It’s not my fault if Menderman ends up being that guy.

  29. Do you really think posting a video of a cute cougar is going to change anybodies opinion? You post this as if it is “Breaking News: Pollsters are lying to defeat Trump”. What a freaking joke. I want trump to win, but crap like this is crap. It is as if you are looking for people to blame if Trump loses. Last night it was Cruz, and tonight it is the polling companies that are to blame. Pretty pathetic Fur.

    BTW, I’m not sure if I got a screen shot of that comment about me whining about being picked on….did you edit it? I learned a long time ago that you edit your comments to suit your needs and to make me look bad. So fess up, did you edit it?

  30. Fur — Well, there it is. As a long(er) term reader/commenter who has stuck by IOTWr, referred you to many people and still love the content — I just couldn’t take it any more. I know Menderman is your dear friend and many times your back and forth with him has been productive. But, it’s been several days of this and he’s like an untrained puppy who thinks your scolding is play. I think he rather enjoys the attention and the disruption — aside from enjoying being a total killjoy.

    It’s not even interesting anymore, unless one enjoys listening to the McBickersons rag on and on about how “remember that one time…” sort of stuff. It’d be nice if there was at least some kind of conclusion now and then. Ya know?

    As MJA said yesterday, “See you all on another thread.”

  31. Bull

    I’ve said it many times here on this site and many times to friends and family.

    Polls are nothing more than propaganda meant to sway public opinion to whatever the pollster wants to be generally accepted.

    Anyone who takes extra time to “study” polls is a moron. You are deluding yourself.


    You have dodged Fur’s questions and others who have asked……

    If you are going to vote Trump, as you both have said, why are you focusing on his faults? What is your goal? How does this help defeat Clinton? What is your objective with trying to paint Trump in the worst possible light……?

  32. AA, Menderman is putting a lot on the line to try to convince Trump supporters to drop the negative and push the positive.
    I seriously doubt he will succeed, but at least he is putting in the effort.
    You may be right, the way to win is to beat up and insult people. Heck, it is a crazy world, Jupiter could land in my back yard tomorrow.

  33. If ever there was an election where polls would be meaningless, this is the one. On one side is an unpolitician (word created carefully), and on the other is the essential opposites of name recognition vs. character recognition (a debate within itself).

    Yep, Trump often steps in it when he speaks, but have you really listened to his last few speeches? To my mind, his foreign policy speech especially, was the best I’ve heard from a candidate since Reagan. Please remember that I’ve been vocal about Trump not being my first choice, so when I say that, it’s not coming from a manic supporter.

    If Trump continues with the clarity and precision of his recent trend, he’ll win in a landslide. If not, it’ll be easier to explain quantum mechanics to a goldfish than to predict this election.

  34. Do you really think posting a video of a cute cougar is going to change anybodies opinion? >>>

    It’s not posted to change people’s opinions. It’s posted to create invigoration, enthusiasm and optimism in the face of assholes who continually shriek that Trump will lose in a landslide. (And some of these are people who say they want Trump to win.)

    >>You post this as if it is ā€œBreaking News: Pollsters are lying to defeat Trumpā€.>>

    No my headline says that a woman’s analysis of RCP polling is an eye opener. The woman did some work. I saw the video and I wanted to reward her work because it may create some enthusiasm for people who might be giving up because assholes who say they are voting for Trump are going around saying that he will lose in a landslide.

    >> What a freaking joke. I want trump to win, but crap like this is crap.>>

    Maybe I should have put BOOM! in the title. TRUTH BOMB!!!!
    Or EPIC!!!!!!! Or SPLODY HEAD!!!! with multiple exclamation points, like the pro-Cruz sites are still doing whenever there is a smidgen of anything to post about Trump that might make people think that they are assholes for even contemplating some Trump support.
    I guess those are the non-crap sites, not like this freaking joke crap site that posts crap.

    >>It is as if you are looking for people to blame if Trump loses. Last night it was Cruz,

    Cruz will get some of the blame if Trump loses. Why wouldn’t he? He pulled a Menderman at the convention. I know you liked it, but millions didn’t. And he will pay if Trump loses. That’s a fact. Deal with it. It’s politics. It’s the way it works.

    >>>and tonight it is the polling companies that are to blame. Pretty pathetic Fur.>>>

    No. What’s pathetic is that 3 months out you said emphatically that Trump will lose in a landslide, just as your pals at the pro-Cruz sites breathlessly report, even if it’s a poll taken in the lunchroom at MSNBC.
    I posted this post as a ray of optimism to combat the assholes that are trying to pull Trump down.
    I guess I shouldn’t do that.
    I guess it’s pretty pathetic.

    BTW, Iā€™m not sure if I got a screen shot of that comment about me whining about being picked onā€¦.did you edit it?>>>

    Again. my post said “then you will whine.”
    It’s called “tenses.” Look into it. They mean different things.

    >>>I learned a long time ago that you edit your comments to suit your needs and to make me look bad. So fess up, did you edit it?>>>

    I have an edit button. I edit comments for clarity because I am responding to comments , when I shouldn’t be, while trying to run a business.
    I don’t want my comments looking like I am a GED dropout.

    I do not change the intent or meaning of my comments to “suit my needs.”
    In fact, that accusation is bordering on crossing the line.

  35. AA, Menderman is putting a lot on the line to try to convince Trump supporters to drop the negative and push the positive.>>>

    No, that is NOT what he is doing. His concern is for CRUZ. PERIOD.

    He doesn’t give a shit about the Trump negativity.

  36. My own polling:
    Earlier this Summer I visited family and friends.
    I was shocked to hear some of the negative comments about Trump.
    My sister’s kids had an app on their ipad that had birds crapping on Trump.
    She is a wealthy conservative. She was blasting Trump.
    I hope and believe she will vote for Trump.
    He has time to win her over otherwise she will have to be drug, kicking and screaming to the polling place.

    My mom and other friends felt the same way.
    I didn’t offer much of a defense.
    That is up to Donald Trump.
    He still has time.

  37. Well, are we all going to help get Trump elected into the White House or are we going to worry about how Mendermen and JohnS feel?
    I am sick of all this crap, going back and forth about Cruz and the ” We need to save the down vote ” With out the White House none of this bitching matters.
    If Trump is not the president on November 9th 2016 this country will never recover without a lot of bloodshed and everyone is wasting are time with there petty gripes about what could have been or should have been, need to get the fuck out of the way and let people who care about what happens in the most important election of our lives. You guys are a real drag on most threads.
    As a side note Mr.Hat this kind of nonsense is why I and many other long time commenters have been absent.
    Ps. Menderman you have a horse race in your own state for Senate that you need to worry about more then Cruz.

  38. Fur, Cruz is gone. He may not even have his seat soon.
    Do yourself a favor and show us the Republican candidate that won (president) with a negative campaign, let alone repeated violations of the 11th commandment.
    We used to win our share, but open primaries combined with negative campaigning have stuck us in an eddy.
    You know it is close, it shouldn’t be, but it is.
    You can find someone to blame, or work toward a solution.

  39. Okay……I’ve tried Fur. I can’t do it anymore.

    Friend or not, Menderman is clearly against Trump and anyone who is voting Trump.

    I will skip over his comments and littlejohn’s comments from now on.

    They refuse to give straight answers. They shuck and jive, duck and dive but they never answer. They say they are going to vote Trump but then say everything they can to discredit him and sway opinions against the only option we have left short of armed revolution.

    I’m done with them. They can either join in the fight to save this country or they can sit it out. Personally, I don’t care.

    Continue to give them their voice here. I’m not one for banning people. But I’m not listening to them anymore.

    Go Trump!

    God bless America!!

    May God bless IOTWREPORT!!!

  40. “Maybe I should have put BOOM! in the title. TRUTH BOMB!!!!
    Or EPIC!!!!!!! Or SPLODY HEAD!!!! with multiple exclamation points”

    Cow bell.

    Never wrong with more cow bell.


    “Why do you do what you do?”

    THE question.

    Applies to admitted NTs, also.

    Problem is, they don’t search themselves to arrive at an honest answer. If they did, they could make a cogent argument with a desired result to talk you into joining. They wouldn’t have to resort to emotional arguments and anger then.

    I don’t see much difference between NTs, closer-to-NTs-than-not, and the paranoid schiz people I know.

    Excuse me if I don’t dance with every complaint they make. It never stops. You can’t please them because the goal post will move if you even try to accede to their formless demand – which is to be as unhappy as they are with no satisfactory resolution for anyone.

  41. Some of the same people calling for Donald Trump to sway and convince voters – are the very people who believed every damn piece of tripe that fell from the lips of Cruz, Rubio, et al. Trump has been doing a metamorphosis (right word?) that is masterful. FUCKING MASTERFUL.
    He IS saying the right things, and he is revealing the Trump that everyone hoped he would become.
    Are some of you even paying attention? How can you convince others to be on board if you are stuck on some off comment he made months ago without seeing what is going on now? COMPARE his speeches, without your bias blockade.

    Otherwise, have your damn withered up Hillary – you are not my countrymen if you allow her to become president.

  42. “Do you really think posting a video of a cute cougar is going to change anybodies opinion? ”

    What the hells wrong with you FUR? Only ugly people can be taken seriously. Like Menderman and JohnS.

  43. Holy crap, those that discredit Trump are equal to RINOs that vote for and support the democrats and their liberal policies.

    Itā€™s unbelievable that anyone with more than 2 brain cells would take any kind of a risk that would allow the Demon-crats to have another term in the White House.

  44. Well, anyone that is a friend would see that they are causing unnecessary strife for me and for other readers.
    I’ve said over and over that I do not have time for this sort of shit and that this site and its readers are probably 99.5% pro-Trump, so what is it that the .5% is trying to achieve?

    We don’t need to hear from the .5% time and time and time again, going over the same shit, as an exercise in contrarianism, being a time bandit, absorbing resources that can be better utilized.

    I put up a post designed to instill optimism and along comes the friend to this site to say, “we’ll have none of that. Trump is going to lose, of this I am certain, you delusional morons.”

    This is what the comment says, loud and clear, and I’ve asked many times why this is necessary to keep doing.

    “What do you want to have, an echo chamber??”

    We’re friggin nuts on this site. We want Trump to defeat Hillary. We are out of our minds with echo-chamberism!!!!

    And we’re stupid. too.
    We are way too obsessed with responding to the part of the right that is working tirelessly to defeat Trump. They should be ignored, forgotten and, most importantly, given a free pass if they should succeed in their endeavor.
    Those are the demands of Cruz’sPoliticalLifeMatters.

    “You’re being way too negative, man. You should focus on the positives of Trump. Sell Trump. And as you sell Trump we will shoot down every positive thing you say about the guy and we expect you not to rebut it, because that would look like you can’t rebut it, which is exactly what we want.”

    The more I write about this, the more frigging agitated I am becoming.

    Like I said, I don’t need this, and I know the bulk of the readership doesn’t need this.

    Someone should recognize the impasse I am at right now and do the right thing.

  45. you are not my countrymen if you allow her to become president.>>>

    BOOM!!!! TRUTHBOMB!!!!!!! EPIC!!!! And … More BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That goes for Cruz, too.
    If he allows Hillary to become president, by not calling off his goon squad of fuckin’ idiots who are STILL talking about him winning THIS YEAR, and imploring people to vote for Trump, I’m afraid I will be offering my services, pro bono, to whatever super pac Trump is thinking of forming in order to defeat Cruz, now and forever.

  46. “Cruz is too greasy and ugly and has too whiny a voice to win a national election.”

    BOOM!!!! TRUTHBOMB!!!!!!! EPIC!!!! And ā€¦ More BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Cruz is also more doughy since he started running for President. Maybe now he should get off his whiny ass and start running.

    BOOM!!!! TRUTHBOMB!!!!!!! EPIC!!!! And ā€¦ More BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  47. Hillary is a criminal and generally an all-around crunt and, yes, that is a perfectly acceptable and good reason for running to the voting booth and voting for Trump.

    BOOM!!!! TRUTHBOMB!!!!!!! EPIC!!!! And ā€¦ More BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. Look at where we are now?
    We’re slamming a perfectly fine senator. Why?

    Because he’s slammed a perfectly fine winner of the GOP primary and contributes to the left’s cause when doing so.

    Why should anyone trust Cruz to not help the left in the future?

  49. A new poll in GA today showed the race is supposedly too close to call. Oddly enough, they said the same thing in the races for governor and senate in 2014. Republicans won both races by about 9 points. Pollsters made excuses for their poor projections as usual, but from my perspective it was likely due to heavier sampling in Atlanta and less importance given to the suburbs and rural areas.

    It also seems quite possible to me that it might have been a deceptive attempt to increase democrat turnout by pretending that the races were closer than they actually were. I personally don’t think Clinton has a chance to win GA based on my own observations.

  50. These particular topics frequently seem to degenerate into Trump vs. Cruz vs. Hillary vs. Johnson vs. the media vs. why all of the above are unworthy and/or duplicitous. Well, I for one have had it.

    I’m now officially back on board with Vermin Supreme. Sure, the guy wears a boot for a hat and isn’t on any national ballot, but he promised all Americans a pony. So while most of America is going to hell in a handbasket, I will be riding there in style on my new pony.

  51. Just remember what Slick Willy told Cankles way back when…”Hillary, you have a big problem. PEOPLE just don’t LIKE you.” She has been and continues to be a screaming lesbo hellcat. Nothing will ever change. She locks up the gay votes, and the staunch feminista votes, but the other traditional Dem voters are wondering off the reservation. The minorities are starting to question what the hell this bitch is up to. Her credibility is in the cesspool, with her dirty money. She bathes in it like a fat hog in shit. I still think part of the backroom dealing is for her to step aside at the last minute and Barky to decide to executive order himself into Emperor for Life.

  52. NICE VID! Decent, if not in-depth, analysis!

    That said…on the topic of
    “optimism, enthusiasm” for the Trump campaign…

    Like I’ve said umpteen times before, JohnSh!tForBrains is here SOLELY for the purpose of sowing fear, doubt and DEFEATISM. I show this aĀ§$h*le no mercy.

    Menderman, having chosen a different candidate, has unwittingly bought into JohnSh!tForBrains’ Leftist manipulation techniques. I pity the fool.

  53. The only thing that’s predictable about polls is that tomorrow they’ll be different. In the meantime, I watch the crowds. In the month of August, Trump has had 19 rallies compared to 8 by Hillary. Hillary’s average attendance was around 1,500, while Trumps average attendance was closer to 3,500. Hillary’s largest rally was about 3000 people, Trumps largest was closer to 20,000. I’ve yet to see a poll which can explain those facts.

  54. No poll can take account of voter fraud.

    The Demonrats STOLE the election of ’12 – CO, OH, PA, and FL.
    This was the PURPOSE and INTENT of Holder’s and the DOJ’s egregious assault on voter ID.
    It worked.
    It may work again.
    The “polling” is to help mask the fraud.

    izlamo delenda est …

  55. I’m late to the food fight, but whatever.

    If you believe the polls, you might as well be using tea leaves or sheeps’ intestines to divine how people are going to vote in November.

    All polling uses methodologies that are based on assumptions extrapolated from collected poll (small) samples, and attempt to make them representative of the anticipated turnout.

    BUT…thanks to Trump, historic turnout trends are OBSOLETE.
    Also, historic demographics and party affiliations are OBSOLETE.

    Therefore, any poll data that is relying on obsolete sample methodology is going to be WRONG.

    Trump is going to leave Clinton in his dust, and I can’t wait !!

  56. Menderman, Dana lied to you…”No candidate has been this behind in August and gone on to win.” l
    You need better role models.

    In 1988, for example, Michael Dukakis, the Democratic nominee for president, was 17 points ahead of then-Vice President George H.W. Bush. 17 points….
    In August 2008, a USA Today/Gallup poll had the John McCain/Sarah Palin ticket leading by a staggering 10 points…..

    This is why I dislike talking heads, and feel bad for people who become fans of them. They have agendas- to continue the gravy train because if feeds them. She wants Trump to lose, she can’t swallow that facts that she messed up knows she can lie and keep paycheck coming in from like minded people who lost track of the truth.

  57. Aggie, are you using polling averages for your numbers, or individual polls?

    I don’t follow Perino at all and don’t know if she is a NTer or not, but the general explanation she gave about the state of the polls and reaction to them closely resembles my position.

  58. Menderman,
    How is it you see things the way Perino sees it, yet she doesn’t come off as combative, dismissive and snotty?
    And I’m not alone in that assessment.

    I’m getting sick of fielding emails asking when I’m going to eject you, so don’t think I’m making wild, rogue interpretations of your comments.

    Others see it the same way.

    > So we are going to ignore RCP now? All polls or just RCP? Her evidence was overwhelming!


    Using the “not” device is usually throat punch worthy, just so ya know. And you’re using it on a site that ostensibly is a site you’re friendly to.

    Ya, you’re helping Trump, like the guy who helps you by shaving your ankles when you’re going to the electric chair.

    And what’s the takeaway here?

    Skewed polling and voter fraud is fictitious. It’s settled science, so says Dana Perino and Menderman.
    Talk about sending signals to the left. Now they can commit fraud with impunity because Perino has the left’s back.

    Also, Bernie was fucked out of the nomination, has the big brain Perino forgotten that already?
    Stupid post.

  59. That’s the point Menderaman. She is using what is at her disposal to satisfy her WANTS. I see the same in you,

    Not meaning to be rude, but the way iI read you is only want Trump to win if, IF, he can satisfy your prejudgments, like all recovering NT you won’t or can’t see that the MSM is in the tank for HIllary. Wikileaks, DNC leaks etc aren’t proof enough for you, then I just don’t know what would be. Beside that, you behave like a pundit who got it wrong and still can’t grasp that ugly truth. You need him to act in ways you approve of and until he does you still insist he is losing. He isn’t;.

  60. A piece of advice for whomever sees it as useful.

    When those people in my personal life that have a degree of para schiz start their ranting, it is most self defeating to argue back in insulting ways. It is the on switch. There is no winning so why bother? Tantamount to tilting at windmills, you’re not dealing with normal.

    All that to advise this: stop trashing Cruz and your struggle with them will be easier. You are up against a condition that makes them think they are unarguably right.

    I never trash what they hold dear. Only talk about what is undeniably, provably true on the subject at hand. Otherwise their defenses go up higher and become less responsive to logic and truth.

    Stop trashing Cruz and half your battle is gone.

  61. Perhaps I came across as snotty because I flatly disagree with the assessment that RCP is in the tank for liberals.

    Saying the polls are rigged does not help Trump. Encouraging him to find ways to improve those poll numbers does. Last nights speech was exactly the way he needed to act to do just that. I am glad he is finally realizing that, and no it is not to late. I have commented to others for several weeks that I expect a major shift in Trump’s direction after the first debate. I never said he will lose in a landslide, I said he is facing one and needs to make the necessary adjustments to reverse that. Your interpretation of what I meant versus what I said is incorrect.

  62. Menderman, thanks for admitting you’re of the “abandon all hope, all is lost and DOOOOOOOMED!” school of thought.

    I find it queer that the same pessimism (at best, skepticism) was absent with McCain and Romney.

    It sure sounds like you’d be happier posting at Daily Wire, Right Scoop, Hot Air and such, where they share your fatalism
    (except for THEM, it’s *fake*…they only do it to support their globalist owners by dumping on Trump and looking the other way of – if not fully legitimizing/rationalizing – Hillary).

    Until then, take your fatalism and SHOVE IT.

  63. .>>>>>Saying the polls are rigged does not help Trump. Encouraging him to find ways to improve those poll numbers does. <<<<<<

    I don't think you understand how you come across. Giving you the benefit of doubt here. But, from my standpoint, it's a bit pretentious and disingenuous

  64. Stop trashing Cruz and half your battle is gone.>>>

    I’m not looking to avoid battles.
    I’m looking to win them.
    And if Cruz people (with Cruz’s blessings) keep insisting that Trump is the anti-Christ and Hillary is the better option, and continue to campaign against Trump, they are my enemy, including Cruz.
    Cruz can get off my hit list if he rallies around Trump and tells his minions that what he did was wrong and allowing Hillary to win is a death sentence for conservatives.
    If he doesn’t do that, and the last impression he has left for the American public was his advice that people on the right “vote their conscience,” well, my conscience tells me that I have to work to make sure Ted Cruz gets ousted from public work.
    This will be a man that has no problem, under the right circumstances, working to do the left’s bidding. This is not my kinda guy.

    Of course, he would talk in circles for 20 minutes trying to persuade everyone that that is not the case, that his actions were born of principles and they are pure.

    Fine Ted.
    Enjoy my agitprop.

  65. Fur “If he doesnā€™t do that, and the last impression he has left for the American public was his advice that people on the right ā€œvote their conscience,ā€ well, my conscience tells me that I have to work to make sure Ted Cruz gets ousted from public work.
    This will be a man that has no problem working to do the leftā€™s bidding. This is not my kinda guy.”

    Bingo. It’s not about Cruz, per se. It’s about all pols who use their position in the public trust to screw Americans out of their rights — including, especially, their rights to truthful/honest representation. My hope is that Trump will shift the paradigm from accepting that all pols are dishonest creeps and that’s all we can expect from them to an expectation of higher moral character and an unwillingness to prosecute the bad eggs. Admittedly, it will take a complete overhaul of the legacy media.

  66. A big thank you to Fur, MJA, Dr. Tar, Irony, Mr. Pinko and all those at IOTWREPORT for their yeoman’s work during this very stressful time of year. After this election is over, you guys need a vacation.

    Dadof4 – I’m not much of a drinker but there are several people from IOTWREPORT that I’d love to meet in person and chum with. Kindred spirits.

    Maybe when I retire. 12 more years of LE work before I can retire. Hopefully I survive.

    Prayers and thanks go out to IOTWREPORT people! Especially Fur. Hang in there buddy! šŸ˜Š

  67. You also said you get tired of fielding emails about ejecting me. Just curious, but are those emails coming from the same folks that hope for my early death? Are they from the same people that continually use gay slurs against a commenter they don’t like? Are they from the same people that tell me to suck my mothers dick? Are those the people that can’t tolerate dissenting opinions?

    As you well know, I have never asked you to ban or block anyone for attacking me or my positions or any other reasons. I’m not childish like that.

  68. There is even a gal on this site that daily posts strings of profanity pieced together with her weird sexual fetishes.
    Or the guy who has threatened to kill several different people who post here?
    Isn’t that far more offensive than a person who merely disagrees with you?
    The above is directed at the people harassing Fur for not imposing political correctness on this site.

  69. Aggie

    I read most comments on topics that interest me, even the dissenting views. I just blow off the stupid comments.

    I don’t think anyone should get banned for having a different view. However, if someone commenting on this site is constantly saying things in support of any person or topic that the majority here hates or dislikes……say socialism or raping children……They should be prepared to be attacked, ignored and marginalized.

    That shouldn’t be a surprise… ..

  70. JohnS,
    Your feigned innocence and “shocked! SHOCKED!” emoting
    at what others post pales in comparison
    to your insidious drum beat of defeatism.

    The latest Webster’s dictionary has your face
    next to the definition of TOKYO ROSE.

  71. Czar,
    Here’s Mr Innocent talking about my wife from last night.

    “She likes a bit of spanking.
    Even a bite now and then.
    You really should talk to her about this kind of thing. ”

    It almost laughable. And the guy wonders why a few people here want to beat his ass. I bet he was fun in grade school.

  72. Hi Muddjuice,

    I did say ignore, not ban., I agree with you. But nice button where some posts would not show for me would be a welcome addition . Outright lies for attention are bothersome

  73. “Iā€™m not looking to avoid battles.”

    I’m only talking about the trash talk and I don’t see you as one of them that do it. You jokingly did up thread, which actually makes my point.

    (Pssstā€¦. Cruz is too greasy and ugly and has too whiny a voice to win a national election.

    STAND BACK PEOPLEā€” Heā€™s gonna blow!!!!)

    Looks to me like you understand my point very well when you know what the likely result would be when that happens.

    I’m not talking about the arguments of why Cruz is this or that. Just the trash meant for disparaging reasons only. That’s why I framed it as trash, but I understand that can mean anything negative, to many.

    There are others here that resort to it too often rather than make a case. Only resulting in pushing them away and hardening their resistance rather than bringing them to a common understanding, much less being on board.

    Has anyone ever brought someone to their side of an argument by disparaging the debate opponent or what they are defending? It’s not a debate at that point, it’s just a fight without the hair pulling or eye gouging.

    “You’re a complete poopyhead and so is your guy!”

    “Oh, I see your point. Touche.” Not going to happen.

    Please, battle on, Fur. You do it well. Seriously.

    A pretty good rule of thumb in life: hate pushes people away. If that’s the desired result, then use it. Getting people off the lawn and bad relatives staying away would be two examples.

    Ask any spouse that gets hatred from the other. Do they feel closer or further to them every time it happens?

  74. You also said you get tired of fielding emails about ejecting me. Just curious, but are those emails coming from the same folks that hope for my early death? Are they from the same people that continually use gay slurs against a commenter they donā€™t like? Are they from the same people that tell me to suck my mothers dick? Are those the people that canā€™t tolerate dissenting opinions?>>

    No, they came from people who have already left the site and haven’t been back in months.

    And for every 1 person that emails you with a complaint, there are dozens who feel the same way and do not bother to email.

    I’ve had at the minimum, 5 people leave and never come back because of how threads were derailed into a 50-100 comment sagas about the personal feelings of a singular reader, as if that is what this blog is for.

    What makes it comical?
    This was when you were ardently NeverTrump, a position I called asinine and explained why on numerous occasions.
    I told you at the time that your repetitive comments about why you, personally, were NeverTrump were not productive, and ultimately you abandoned that principle.
    So, the drama was largely for nothing, unless it was worth it to use this forum to get through your personal journey to the overall detriment of the site.

    When the convention ended the tone of the site has shifted to All-In for Trump.
    There is no other alternative. Whether we are dumb, naive, foolish or whatever, it matters little to me how you feel.

    I’m not interested in “advice” to Trump about how he shouldn’t be Trump and be more like someone else, a person that lost the primary. Especially on threads that are meant to excite the base with positive news.

    I’m not interested in your analysis that says, “oh, no, that is not true. NOT! Trump is dead in the water, accept it, live it, deal with it… oh, and I’m for Trump! (go cruz)”

    I’m not interested in the advice of how Trump can improve when the complaints have been “he threw a baby out of a rally,” “he attacked a fallen soldier,” “he’s going to strip away 2A,” “his team tackled Michelle Fields to the ground!!” All lies, pushed and reBLEATED by NeverTrump.

    In short, I’m not interested in the wet blanket.
    Don’t want it.

    I know the power of what gets into the ether.
    If it’s continually said that Trump is dead, Trump will be dead.
    If it gets into the ether that Trump is on the rise, his speeches are good, Trump is what we need, Hillary is on the ropes, Hillary is weak, Hillary is sick- THAT BECOMES THE NARRATIVE.
    It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    You should know that.
    And I can’t help but think that you DO know that.
    So when I make a post and 3 comments in you undermine what I am doing here, it FUCKING PISSES ME OFF.

    I’m asking you to KNOCK IT OFF.

  75. @BFH
    ‘And for every 1 person that emails you with a complaint, there are dozens who feel the same way and do not bother to email.’

    Raising my hand as one of the dozens who has not e-mailed you.
    (1) I figure you’ve heard it all

    (2) I have a large Ignore Button and use to scroll past the peigne-cul’s postings.

    (3) I would not ask for someone’s removal from a board. If more ignored him he would go back to his hole or the Demorrhodic Underground or Red State due to lack of attention.

  76. I got it. I am not welcome here anymore by the majority of your readers because I am not a Trump cheerleader, just a Trump voter. You prefer people that call other Trump voters cock sucking faggots that should die as long as they tow the line for Trump. You would rather have people that tell commenters that are not Trump cheerleaders to suck their mothers dicks. It’s just fine to have Trump cheerleaders that tell others that the world is better off if they die early because they are not Trump cheerleaders. I understand. Electing Trump is the only thing that matters, well other than destroying Cruz in the process. I get it. Go ahead, make your readers happy and eject me, block me, ban me. That will surely help Trump become our 45th President. I am frankly tired of your continued PUBLIC warnings as you give the vile and disgusting a free pass. If you feel banning me from this site helps Trump win, just do it and carry on with your agenda. I’m fine watching from the sidelines.

  77. Menderman, calm down. Most people don’t want to see you pissed off and leave. Cruz lost. He’s done. It’s Trump or Hillary. Quit bad mouthing Trump. You’re not helping the greater good. If Trump wind would you celebrate the death of the evil witch? We need to get United and that’s where BFH is going. Think about it.

  78. Fur is not asking that much.
    You can be vile, profane, chase people away from the site, threaten and abuse.
    Just don’t say anything that the local Kommissars would rule as being derogatory to Trump, even if it is something he said or did, and don’t offer suggestions as that might create the impression that our leader is not infallible.
    I have accepted the above (even though I recently made the mistake of bringing up a Trump position that was verboten), will bide time for a couple of months, pull the lever for him, and deal with the outcome.
    This election is what it is.
    I truly believe a concerted effort needs to be made to end open primaries. They are the wedge that is splitting the party apart and need to end.

  79. No. I am not going to calm down. I am tired of being publicly chastised while the vile get a free pass. This is at least the 3rd time Big Fur Hat has publicly threatened to ban me from the site. Last night he accused me of things I didn’t say and after I responded he edited his comments that made me look like I was imagining things he said. That’s pure chicken shit stuff. Hell, he can edit this comment to say whatever he wants it to say. When he start doing that, it is an honor to get banned.

  80. —-What comment did I edit to make you look bad???

    Point to it. Tell me what it said and tell me what it was changed to.

    —- And you’re doing, AGAIN, exactly what I requested over and over and over again that you not do.

    I’m running this site, not you.

    You’ve been called names by other people and things you don’t like have been said about you because they see how much of a problem you’ve been causing for me and this site in general.

    “I got it. I am not welcome here anymore by the majority of your readers because I am not a Trump cheerleader, just a Trump voter.”

    Apparently you don’t.
    Who said you have to be a Trump cheerleader??
    I’ve asked you not shit on the Trump cheerleading because THE RESULT OF YOUR TROLLING IS THIS, AND I DON’T WANT THIS.

    You’re a Trump voter, so you say.
    If a story that is positive about Trump gets your restless typing fingers tapping and you lose that internal battle within yourself, and you just can’t resist the urge to shit on a post by saying “NOT”- “PFFFFFT” “DELUSIONAL” “TRUMP IS GOING TO LOSE, “it’s going to cause others to engage with you in a way that causes THIS.
    You either have to be fucking stupid if you think it’s not going to cause this, or it’s your intention to cause this.
    SO, ya, I am sick of it and done with it, and I asked that it end.

    I don’t want to hear the martyr act. That’s as old is the “I’m voting for Trump” act which people think is total bullshit and just something you say in order to be able to hang around and write “NOT!” on a post about a woman analyzing data that suggests Trump is not as far down in polls as people are saying.

    I’m sick of having to go over this over and over again.
    I don’t have the time.

    If you can’t accept that your actions have consequences on a pro-Trump site, that your ways are going to lead to someone telling you to go suck your mother’s dick, I don’t know what to tell you.

    And yes, I’d rather be left with readers that are pulling for Trump then readers that are waiting for Trump to, for example, use the phrase “fried chicken” in a sentence in order to wail, “THAT’S IT. THAT’S THE FINAL STRAW, I’m not voting for that bigot!!!!”

    I’ll let you know when Trump has done something to make him the choice worse than Hillary.
    (Hint- Never going to happen.)

  81. -Fur is not asking that much.
    You can be vile, profane, chase people away from the site, >>

    Vile and profane doesn’t chase people away from the site.

    -threaten and abuse.>>

    I don’t take threats and abuse seriously when it’s between 2 readers that know each other. I chalk it up to 2 morons that don’t know when to end it, like children in the back seat of the station wagon. And that is what chases people away from the site, as I explained for the 20th time to Menderman.
    You see, it follows a pattern.
    The person with the vast outlying opinion on the site makes a comment that is going to attract the others, and they do it because they love being the chum in the water. Things escalate, and then someone says to go suck your mother’s dick.
    It goes on and on endlessly from there.
    People start to leave because they don’t want to see it, it’s boring.
    And then the fucking idiot who is the chum in the water whines and wants justice, which, in their mind, is for me to scold one of the members of the 99% of my readers so that they can be rewarded for being what’s causing the trouble for me.

    How can I make myself any clearer??
    I don’t want to ban people, I want them to come to the realization on their own that I am also a businessman who they are putting between a rock and a hard place, but they do what I ask them not to do over and over and over again, causing me strife. And why?
    Because their personal journey. Their one vote is apparently supposed to be more paramount to me than, sayyyyyy, people emailing me and saying either he goes or they go.
    And I’ve had donators leave, and not come back.
    I’ve mentioned this in the comments a couple of times.
    It doesn’t seem to matter to “my friends.”

    It doesn’t seem to matter that we asked Mr. Pinko to go on hiatus because he was becoming a Cruz basher during the primaries and we didn’t like that.

    Now he watches me placate Trump detractors in the general election and he’s very, very pissed about it, as he should be.

    These are the things I have to deal with and are things that I shouldn’t have to be saying in public. I get emails that say “you’re looking stupid, BFH. Just block an IP that is giving you grief.”

    –Just donā€™t say anything that the local Kommissars would rule as being derogatory to Trump, even if it is something he said or did, and donā€™t offer suggestions as that might create the impression that our leader is not infallible.>>>>

    I don’t ban speech, I don’t ban people.
    The site is all-in for Trump. Some are full-throated supporters, some are supporters because the alternative is so much, much, much worse than Trump.
    But the bottom line is we are past the stage of bashing Trump, especially for reasons that do not come anywhere near how bad Hillary was and will be in terms of policy and corruption. When you do that they are going to hit back hard.
    Then it evolves into threads people do not want to see – 100+ comments about how one side has principles and the other is stupid.
    This is settled science at iOTW – we are for Trump. Wet blankets are going to be pig-piled, pig-piles are going to turn into threads that turn off my readers. Turned off readers damage my site.
    I’ve asked that “my friends” resist the need to be the focus of attention and make comments that they know are going to cause a pig-pile.

    —I have accepted the above (even though I recently made the mistake of bringing up a Trump position that was verboten), will bide time for a couple of months, pull the lever for him, and deal with the outcome.>>>

    Exactly. I will even accept an “I told you so!!!!!!!” if warranted, or even unwarranted.
    I’m not a Kommissar. This discussion doesn’t take place with Kommissars.

    –This election is what it is.>>>

    Yes. Difficult, I will grant you that.
    Please refer to a comment I made months and months ago that appalled many readers here. I said I would push a button right now for Ted Cruz just to get this primary over with because I predicted exactly what is going on now, including this thread and this argument.
    MJA is my witness. I had this discussion with her and told her what was going to happen on iOTW.

    —I truly believe a concerted effort needs to be made to end open primaries. They are the wedge that is splitting the party apart and need to end.>>

    Agreed. But not for the reasons I think you’re thinking.
    I do not think dems crossed over to screw the GOP with a bad pick.
    I think they crossed over in earnest. And the people elected a weird hybrid candidate that principled purist conservatives (I don’t know what that is and didn’t realize they owned the entire movement) do not want existing under “their banner.”
    Meanwhile, GOP is not “conservative’s banner.”
    Their is no conservative party, and many conservatives, which I am one, think they are entitled to the GOP.
    We’re not.
    And this is the root of the problem. I see Trump as the weird hybrid and totally acceptable for my needs considering Hillary is the alternative.

    We will see that play out in the election, people that traditional pollsters are missing.

    If not you can say I Told You So and I won’t tell you to suck your mother’s dick.

  82. I hope JohnS reads THIS post,
    as he seems to have missed it in another thread:

    1. Come to a pro-Trump site,
    2. spew defeatism, doubt and misinformation, then
    3. cry ā€œvictim!ā€ when people here pile on them.

    THEY are the reason the term
    came about.

    Looking at YOU, johnS.

    And, though Fur posted this earlier elsewhere,
    this video is to the point:


  83. COD-

    YOU don’t get to use Breibart’s words in his death!!!

    I love that shit.
    You post this video and people say “you can’t speak for Breitbart!!”
    The very next sentence from them: “Breitbart would have HATED TRUMP!!!”

    You see, that is idiocy.

    Then they post a video where Breitbart says Trump is not a conservative, which is proof of what, other than Breitbart didn’t think of Trump as a conservative?
    You counter with a video where Breitbart says, “conservative or not, you stand with the nominee because the other side is the mortal enemy,” a statement which trumps their video.
    Then they go back to “you can’t speak for Andrew!!!!”

    Now, objectively, who is the bigger fucktard in this scenario???
    Who is the jackass that is losing the debate?

    Did I ever say that people cannot speak for Breitbart in death while speaking for Breitbart in death??

    You see. I win.
    They are stupid.

    And this is what I put up with in way too many arguments I engage in.
    It’s not so much the content of the argument, it’s the stupidity of the elements surrounding the arguments that frustrates me, as illustrated in the Breitbart argument above. They simply cannot see their idiocy.

  84. hhaha! OMGosh!! This thread reminds me of the time I let a kite out on about 2 miles of string at the beach one morning and came back at sunset and reeled it back in. šŸ™‚

    Geoff C. said the comments were still going on and I didn’t believe him!

    BTW: Where is Cardigan these days? I haven’t seen anything recently from them. And I really miss ChiefIllini (but I think he said he’d be back after the election).

  85. Fur,
    Let me give you a hug.
    Scratch that.
    Let me give you a hug beer/whiskey.

    Small detail about the “YOU WANT A UNITY SPEECH?” vid:
    I *love* how, at the very beginning (0:05), Breitbart says,
    “I don’t CARE who the candidate is,”
    yet those stuck on stupid anti-Trump
    insist on ONLY the snippets which confirm their bias.

    Just out of curiosity, I wonder how many years ago it was that Breitbart said he didn’t like Trump…in the sense that PEOPLE CHANGE
    [anti-Trumpers read that as: “OMGeleventy he’s a FLIP FLOPPER who must be defeated to prove we’re right that he lost so maybe we can lose again in four years and that will not only make things better we’re darned tootin’ sure of that”].

    In that sense, I’m willing to suspect Menderman is emotionally knotted-up/confused (whatever the cause: Cruz, etc), but not stupid.


    I suspect JohnS’ posts are intentional, willful, and purposefully intended to cause chaos, confusion and such…in that sense, NOT stupid, but EVIL.

  86. “I suspect JohnSā€™ posts are intentional, willful, and purposefully intended to cause chaos, confusion and suchā€¦in that sense, NOT stupid, but EVIL. ”

    Ya think?

  87. Oh yes:
    as far as your reluctance to ban people…

    I get it and respect it.
    BUT, consider this:

    On one hand, we’ve got the Left and Right-anti-Trump sites
    spewing cr*p and banning “us”
    (for brevity and lack of better terms),
    which leaves “us” limited to “our” sites.

    On the other hand, these Dem/Right-anti-Trump spewers
    are free to dunmp their bile not only at “their” sites
    but also on YOUR and others of “our” sites…

    “THEY” are the gallon of turd.
    “YOU” are the gallon of ice cream.

    At this point of the game (election),
    and with you so determined to be
    “all in” for a Trump victory,
    it seems counterproductive to hang onto the
    out-of-context ideal rigidly…especially since
    the Left and anti-Trump Right play this as

    As I see it, the reluctance to ban on “our” side
    reminds me of your “MY PRINCIPLES” thread
    (but In Reverse!),
    in that your holding onto the mantra of
    “let people say what they want”
    ends up letting the turds get into the ice cream.

  88. Y’know, Bad Brad, being the hand-wringing, wallflower, hard-to-express, shy kinda guy I am…AND to be “faaaaair,”…maybe he’s *not* being evil, but just needs a hug…of SEMTEX (you understand, I’m just supporting Czech businesses).

  89. You’re defining what I am doing as a principle, I don’t.
    The ban could happen. Who knows?
    It would be capricious and arbitrary, not a violation of any principles because I don’t claim to have any.

    I think of it as an illustration of how the people who claim to have these vaunted principles, who hang out at sites where the ban hammer comes down if your fart sounds vaguely like it went “Trumppppp,” are hypocritical assholes, especially when they call Trump the TOTALITARIAN CHEETOH FACE!!!

    It’s comedy to me.

  90. Fur — “Itā€™s comedy to me.”

    Uh huh. I knew there was some sort of something in it for you. Don’t get me wrong — I’m not criticizing you for it. I have collected the usual bet ($.25) from Geoff C. for every time you write “I don’t have the time for this/it.”

    (Now, don’t get annoyed with me. šŸ™‚ Sometimes it just take an outsider’s view.)

  91. I saw the post Menderman is referring to, but it was revised so quickly it was clear BFH didn’t mean what it sounded like and what he meant was the final edit. Working fast is hard.

  92. Oh boy, I don’t remember word for word. Something to the effect “I have had it with you…..”

    It was short and I thought it was you being dismissive of him, but coming from you I can see how it could have come across different. You immediately changed it to engage him

  93. Exactly.
    And that makes him accuse me of editing comments to make him look bad.
    The opposite is true.
    I immediately regretted what I wrote and toned it down.

    That’s not exactly twirling the handlebar mustache, like he’s implying.
    I’ve never changed a comment to make someone look foolish. (I don’t even know how that would work, actually.)
    I’ve edited grammar and I’ve added another thought to the bottom of a comment after I hit publish and thought “ohhhh I forgot about this point”, this is done within 3 minutes.
    He’s making it seem like I’m going up thread and changing comments from an hour prior.
    And changing my point of view, or whatever he’s imagining. That’s horse shit. And it’s the kind of charge that will get a person into the dog house.

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