Pro-Gun Group Secures Big Win Over ATF In Federal Court – IOTW Report

Pro-Gun Group Secures Big Win Over ATF In Federal Court

A federal court on Tuesday struck down a ban imposed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) on reset triggers.

The ruling comes as the result of a lawsuit filed by The National Association for Gun Rights (NAGR). U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor “vacated” the agency’s ban on the devices, arguing that it had overstepped its authority when it redefined forced reset triggers as machine guns, according to a press release from NAGR.

A forced reset trigger (FRT) is a firearm component that allows the trigger to reset more quickly than a regular trigger by forcing it back to its starting position after it is fired. The mechanism enables a shooter to fire multiple shots at a faster rate without converting the weapon into a fully automatic firearm. more

17 Comments on Pro-Gun Group Secures Big Win Over ATF In Federal Court

  1. Any time the judiciary does its job, interpreting laws through the Constitutional lens and reigning in authoritarians who trample our civil liberties, we should applaud them and rejoice, although doing anything else would be a gross breach of their duties, but we as conservatives should prepare ourselves for the horde of judicial activists and radical ideologues that the Biden administration is pumping out daily.

    Since our inception, the courts have been the last bulwark in preserving the rule of law, but this will be a thing of the past in short order.

    Here is your typical federal judge;

    And just in time for the big steal, when Harris miraculously comes from behind, in the dead of night, and wins the nomination. And when the court challenges ensue, judges like this will bang their gavel,”No standing”, then go home, secure and satisfied in the notion that they single-handedly saved democracy.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you Judge O’Connor! Thank you for doing your job properly and following clear Constitutional principles. Of course, this is the way you and all of your colleagues should be operating all the time, but, alas, that’s a rarity. So forgive me if I seem to be going overboard on my gratitude, but it sure feels good to have a reason to do so.

    p.s. Forced reset triggers are really cool.

  3. @aircubed:

    Now do suppressors.

    Now, wouldn’t that the the greatest thing! Unfortunately, the crap surrounding “silencers” is explicit legislation, so it’ll take a really good solid special case to make to to SCOTUS for Justice Thomas to whack that part of the NFA. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll take that opportunity to whack the entirety of the NFA.

  4. Of course the ATF will appeal, since they have unlimited funds. After the get an injunction, stopping O’Connor’s decision. BTW, his re Ike of the ATF is scathing; read it if you get a chance.

  5. My understanding is that the overturning of the Chevron deal is why so many things are being overturned with the ATF.

    The Chevron deal made it possible for them to write their own rules.

    So down go a lot of their latest efforts at gun control. Read bump stocks, reset triggers, lately.

    BTW… IMO, Gun control efforts are anti-American and un-constitutional. How does this agency even exist?

  6. For the vast majority of trigger pullers, all the devices, be they trick triggers, bump stocks, or full auto from the get go, just allow the shooter to miss faster.

    Aimed and controlled fire is effective. Hollywood has lied to you how easily this is accomplished. It ain’t easy. More like the A Team. They never hit anybody.

  7. Yea but you need my muzzle device. No flip, no jump. I should probably think about marketing that thing one day. Want references? Ask Tsunami. Besides, it’s titanium. LOL

  8. Full-Auto is fun. Owned a few over the years. Impractical unless you’re trying to keep a bunch of bad guys off by yourself or suppressive fire / cover in a battle situation. Expensive to buy – expensive to shoot – but still fun.


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