Pro-mask Democrat Mayor of Philadelphia who just reinstated indoor mask mandates caught on camera maskless in Florida – IOTW Report

Pro-mask Democrat Mayor of Philadelphia who just reinstated indoor mask mandates caught on camera maskless in Florida


PHILADELPHIA, PA- While some states and cities are ditching the in-door mask mandates, several others, like Philadelphia, are reinstating their policy as COVID cases increased over 50 percent within two weeks.

According to reports, the indoor mask mandate applies to indoor spaces such as restaurants, museums, businesses, offices, government buildings, and sports arenas.

After the announcement, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, commented on Twitter that Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney, a Democrat, was spotted vacationing in Florida without a mask in the beginning of the year. The DeSantis Governor campaign tweeted: more

13 Comments on Pro-mask Democrat Mayor of Philadelphia who just reinstated indoor mask mandates caught on camera maskless in Florida

  1. From the link…

    “…beg a declaratory judgment…”

    …you must cringe and scrape before the Great And Powerful Government like an orphan crying for a crust of moldy bread, not assert your God-given rights!

    So even if Government gives you what they had no right to take, Government is ALSO proving that THEY, not God, decide what “rights” they are willing to confer to you.

    …also, did you notice the tweet above it?

    “The Philadelphia Inquirer
    Apr 21, 2022
    Replying to @PhillyInquirer
    While we’re talking recreational marijuana, dispensaries in New Jersey will be selling starting today.”

    …just in case you were wondering why Blue states stay Blue…

    …fun fact: smoking the Government Mary Jane makes you put it on PAPER that you are no longer able to purchase a firearm.

    See Form 4473, Section 21, Paragraph e for further details…

  2. Different Tim
    APRIL 22, 2022 AT 10:24 AM
    “It’s OK.
    He’s a hypocrite.

    I meant democrat. I get the two confused.”


    “Democrat” automatically means hypocrite, tyrant, pedophile, lazy, self-aggrandizing, satan-worshiping, America-hating, and SO many other things, all negative, that they can be used somewhat interchangeably, although a Democrat is SO much WORSE than a simple hypocrite…

  3. “Woe to you, politicians, ye vipers and hypocrites, because you devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense you make long speeches; therefore you will receive greater condemnation.”
    (not really a quote – modified from the original)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. TheMule
    APRIL 22, 2022 AT 11:23 AM
    “Must be nice knowing all your future “elections” are perfectly rigged in your favor.”


    As long as you stay in favor with The Party.

    Ask everyone who was around Stalin how easy that was to do.


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